Monday, 22 June 2015

Louisa's writings! as "the Sun of my Eternal Will rises... light crammed with love... belonging to the creature who with her act in my Will, made the Sun rise... the full Afternoon of our Eternal Sun formed within the creature."

Bible, Patristic, Mystic.

Dear William,
Thank you taking a great pleasure and contribute the gentle response.
  yours, Donald

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William ...
To: Donald    
Sent: Monday, 22 June 2015, 14:30
Subject: Re: Samson=sun, Jesus SUN of Righteousness... Dawn

Dear Father Donald,
Thank you for sharing this with me... as the parallel SUN connection was given you, it will have been one of those moments of SUNRISE, the day being asked please to delay!
How many untold depths am I to further discover in Louisa's writings! as "the Sun of my Eternal Will rises... light crammed with love... belonging to the creature who with her act in my Will, made the Sun rise... the full Afternoon of our Eternal Sun formed within the creature."
Pondering upon Louisa's writings into the night, the very Presence of Our Lord in the Divine Will given to her caught my breath this morning (Office of Readings) in Psalm 72...
23 Yet I was always in your presence; you were holding me by my right hand. You will guide me by your counsel and so you will lead me to glory. What else have I in heaven but you? Apart from you I want nothing on earth. My body and my heart faint for joy;God is my possession for ever. To be near God is my happiness.
It is as if a personal relationship with Our Lord in His Divine Will  has only just been revealed to me - at the bedside of Louisa...
I confess to being somewhat bewildered by the purity and intensity of her writing, deeply drawn by her spiritual transparency.
Thank you Father, most truly.
With my love in Our Lord Jesus,

Samson (sun), Lord Jesus is truly the Sun of Righteousness 

the Prophet thus names the Lord Jesus: The sun of righteousness shall rise over you, and there will be healing in its wings. The Lord Jesus is truly the Sun of Righteousness, for he enlightens the minds of all believers with heavenly light. 

A Word In Season for the Liturgy of the Hours
Sunday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time Year I

(The birth of Samson is announced: Judges 13:1-25)
And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; and the LORD gave them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years.
And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren and had no children. And the angel of the LORD appeared to the woman and said to her, “Behold, you are barren and have no children; but you shall conceive and bear a son. Therefore beware, and drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for lo, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from birth; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines.” ...
...And the woman bore a son, and called his name Samson; and the boy grew, and the LORD blessed him. And the Spirit of the LORD began to stir him in Mahaneh-dan, between Zorah and Eshta-ol.



Let me summarise briefly everything that is said about Samson. Samson, who in his day was a Nazirite of the Lord, is allegorically a type of Christ; first, because his birth was foretold by an angel; secondly, because he was called a Nazirite and delivered Israel from its foes; and, finally, because he overthrew their Temple, causing many thousands of people who had mocked him to perish.
As the birth of Samson was foretold by an angel, so the Lord’s bodily birth was foretold by the Prophets, as well as by the angel who said to Mary: Hail, Mary, full of grace; you have conceived in your womb and will bear a son, and you shall call him ‘Emmanuel’, for he shall save his people from their sins.
The name ‘Samson’ means ‘sun’. But our Redeemer too is called ‘sun’; listen to how the Prophet thus names the Lord Jesus: The sun of righteousness shall rise over you, and there will be healing in its wings. The Lord Jesus is truly the Sun of Righteousness, for he enlightens the minds of all believers with heavenly light. He is the true Nazirite and Holy one of God, and it is only by analogy with him that this other man was called a Nazirite.
When Samson was travelling to the wedding he encountered a roaring lion. As he travelled to a foreign people in quest of a wife, a lion came out to meet him and he killed it. Who should we see foreshadowed by Samson if not Christ who, when about to gather the Church from among the Gentiles, said: Rejoice, for I have overcome the world.
What does it mean that Samson took honey from the mouth of ­the slain lion except that, as we ourselves see, the nations of the earthly kingdom who formerly raged against Christ have lost their ­savagery and, moved by the sweetness of the Gospel preaching make their votive offerings? Also significant is what we see in ­Samson’s own person: he killed few in his lifetime, but countless ­were the enemies he slew when he died by destroying the Temple. So too the Lord in his lifetime rescued few from the arrogance of unbelief, but he rescued many when the temple of his body was ­destroyed; and those Gentiles who were arrogant and whom he bore with in his lifetime, he laid low by his death.

Rabanus Maurus, Commentary on Judges, 2.20 (PL 108:1198); Word in Season V.


"Catholic Divine Will " ... in thirty-six volumes by Luisa Piccarreta

December 14, 1937

Just as human nature has its day, the Divine Will forms Its own day in the depth of the soul of the creature who lives in It. Miracles that happen in the Divine Will.

I felt immersed in the Divine Volition. It seemed that, as I was doing my acts in the FIAT within Its waves of light, that light would become larger and would centralize itself more within me; and I felt a growing need to love It and to breathe It - more than my own life. Without It, I felt out of breath, without warmth and without heartbeat; but as I came back to do my acts in the Divine Volition, I felt the breathing, the warmth and the Divine heartbeat coming back, to delight my poor existence. Therefore, it is a need for me - a need of life - to live in the Divine Will. 

Then, my sweet Jesus, coming back to visit my little soul, all goodness told me: “My blessed daughter, just as nature has its day in human life, during which all the actions of life are performed, in the same way my Divine Will forms Its Day in the depth of the creature who lives in my Will. 

As the creature begins to form her acts in It, calling It to her as her own Life, she starts her day, forming a most shining Dawn in the depth of her soul. This Dawn gathers its Power, renewing in the creature the Power of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son, the Virtue and Love of the Holy Spirit. So she starts her Day together with the Most Holy Trinity, Which descends in the most tiny acts and hiding places of the creature in order to live together with her, and to do whatever she does. This Dawn puts to flight the darkness of the soul, so that all becomes light for her, placing Itself as a vigil sentry, so that all her acts may receive the Light of the Divine Will. 

 This Dawn is the first rest of God within the room of the soul - it is the beginning of the Eternal Day in which the Life of the Supreme Being starts together with the creature. My Will does not move - It is not able, nor does It know how to do without the Adorable Trinity. At the most, It goes forward - being the actor, but always pulling with It, in an irresistible way, the Adorable Trinity, forming the divine chamber in which the Divine Persons can enjoy their beloved creature. Wherever It reigns, my Will has the Power to centralize everything - even our Divine Life.  

How beautiful is the beginning of the Day of one who lives in our FIAT. It is the enchantment of the all Heaven. If the Celestial Court were subject to envy, It would envy the one who is so fortunate as to possess, within her soul - while still living in time - the beginning of the eternal Day - the precious Day in which God begins to live His Life together with the creature.

Now, as soon as she begins the second act in the Divine Volition, the Sun of my Eternal Will rises. The fullness of Its light is such as to invest the whole of earth, visiting all hearts and bringing the ‘good morning’ of light and new joys to all the Celestial Court. This light is crammed with love, adoration, thanksgiving, gratitude, glory and benediction - but who do these belong to?: to the creature who, with her act in my Will, made the Sun rise which shines over all, so that all may find the one who loved God for them - the one who adored Him, thanked Him, blessed Him and glorified Him. Everyone finds the thing which he was supposed to do for God. She compensates for everyone. One act in my Will must enclose everything. It has the power and the capacity to make up for everyone and to do good to all; otherwise It could not be called ‘act, done in my Will.’ These acts are full of unheard-of prodigies, worthy of our Creative Work.   

Now, as she turns to her third act in our Will, the full Afternoon of our Eternal Sun is formed within the creature. Do you know what she gives Us with this full Afternoon? She prepares a banquet for Us. And do you know what she gives Us for food? The Love We have given to her - our divine qualities. Everything carries the mark of our beauty and of our chaste and pure perfumes. We like it so much that we eat our fill; and even if something may be missing for our status, since the creature is in our Will, she is the owner of all our goods; she takes from our treasure whatever is needed, and prepares for Us the most beautiful banquet, worthy of our Supreme Majesty. And We invite all the Angels and the Saints to sit at this celestial banquet, so that they may take and eat with Us, of the Love which We received from the creature who lives in our Will. Now, after we’ve banqueted together, the other acts that she does in our Will serve - some to form for Us celestial melodies, some loving chants, some the most beautiful scenes; some others repeat our Works, which are always in action. In sum, she keeps Us always busy. And when she has given course to all her actions in our Will, we give her rest, resting together with her. After the rest, we begin the work, starting another day, and so forth.
Many times, this loyal daughter of ours - since true loyalty consists in living in our Divine Will - seeing that her brothers and sisters are about to be struck by the deserved chastisements for their sins, doesn’t close her day, but prays and suffers to beseech graces for their souls as well as for their bodies. The life of one who lives in my Divine Will is new joy and glory for Heaven, and help and graces for the earth.”

August 9, 1937
Prodigies of love in the Divine Volition. How the Divine Will redoubles Its love, in order to be loved with Its own love. How the Queen will form the new Hierarchy in her inheritance.   (Luisa Piccarreta) 

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