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Ecce Panis
Angel with Host (c. 1860), Sébastien-Melchior Cornu (1804–1870), Louvre
Museum, Paris
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Luisa Piccarreta, Most Holy Eucharist placed his Sacramental Life in the Heart of His Mother
Sunday 7 2015-06-07.
The Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
COMMENT: The Solemnity followed the cloister procession with the Blessed Sacrament and during the hours had adoration at the tabernacle n the Church.
The extreme uplifting thoughts and prayer came from pages from Luisa Piccarreta.
Most Holy Eucharist placed his Sacramental Life in the Heart of His Mother.
Below two versions of the entry of the Diar can be contemplated over.
... Donald
PS. Later to find art of BVM of the Most Holy Sacrament.
FIAT Vol 21 Redacted 23 Feb 1927 - 26 May 1027
Version Print 1995 ‘passages. Use the title here
[Our Lord Jesus Christ, in instituting the Most Holy Eucharist, placed his Sacramental Life in the Heart of His Mother. The Most Holy Virgin of sorrows found the secret of her strength in the Divine Will, because This contains immeasurable Strength].
April 16, 1927
I was reliving the Hour when Jesus gave us the Most Holy Eucharist when Jesus moved inside me.
He said, “My daughter, before I act, I need at least one creature to store My Act and keep It safe and secure. When I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament, I looked for such a creature, and My Queen Mom offered Herself as a vessel for My Act where I could store this great gift.”
She said, ‘My Son, I offered You my womb and my whole being for Your Conception, where I kept You safe and secure. Now I’m offering You a mother’s Heart as a vessel for this great treasure. I will arrange my affections all around Your Sacramental Life, my beating heart, my love and my thoughts. I will defend You with My Life; you will be surrounded by a loving assembly that will protect You. I promise to repay You for this great gift. Trust Your Mom; I will defend Your Sacramental Life. You made Me Queen of all Creation, so I have the right to summon all the light of the sun around You, to worship and adore You. I will assemble the sea, the sky full of stars and all the inhabitants of the air around you and they will give You love and glory.’
“My Mom gave Me proof certain that She would faithfully guard My Sacramental Life within Her treasury, and then I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. She was the only creature worthy enough to keep, protect and defend My Act. Now, when creatures receive Me and I enter them, I bring the actions of My inseparable Mom with Me. This is the only way I can perpetuate My Sacramental Life. Whenever I want to do some great work, one that I treasure, I first have to choose a creature to store My gift, someone who will thank Me adequately.”
“That’s how it is in the natural order. When a farmer sows his seed, he doesn’t throw it in the middle of the street; he has to have a small plot of land. First he works it by digging furrows, and then he sows the seed. After that, he covers it with earth, to protect it. He anxiously waits for the harvest in order to be reimbursed for his work and the cost of the seed he entrusted to the earth. Consider someone else who wants to craft a beautiful work of art. First he prepares the raw materials and arranges to display it somewhere, and then he and then he works on it. That’s what I’ve done with you. First I chose you, then I prepared you, and finally, I entrusted you with revelations concerning My Will as a great gift. I entrusted the destiny of My Sacramental Life to My beloved Mother, and now I will hand over the destiny of the Kingdom of My Will, because you I can trust.”
Then I continued thinking about everything my beloved Good had done and how much He suffered during the course of His Life until He resumed His discourse.
He said, “My daughter, My Life down here was very short, and most of it hidden. Nevertheless, even though it was brief, My Humanity was animated by Divine Will, so there was no limit to the number of good things I did. The whole Church is nourished by My Life; She drinks Her fill from the fountain of My Doctrine. Each one of My Words is a spout pouring into the mouth of every Christian. Every one of My examples is better than the sun’s illumination. They warm and nourish the greatest sanctities to maturity. Consider all the Saints, all the good they have done and all the pain they heroically suffered. In comparison, especially considering how short My Life was, they were tiny little flames next to the bright sun.”
“In contrast, consider all the pain, humiliation, confusion and all the accusations My enemies inflicted on Me during the course of My Life and Passion. Since Divine Will reigned within Me, all these insults only confounded and humiliated My tormentors. In fact, since Divine Will was within Me, I was like the sun when the clouds are low. They might offend the sun if they darken the face of the earth by briefly blocking its vivid solar light. However, the sun just laughs at these clouds, after all, their life, floating in the air, is very brief. Even a light wind is enough to dissipate them, while the blazing sun continues triumphantly dominating the entire earth in full daylight.”
“That’s how it was with Me. Everything My enemies inflicted on Me, including My death, were like clouds covering My Humanity. However, they could not touch the Sun of My Divinity. As soon as the powerful wind of My Divine Will shifted, the clouds dissipated. Brighter than the sun, I rose again, glorious and triumphant, and My enemies were more humiliated than ever.”
“My daughter, when My Will fully reigns within the soul, minutes are like centuries filled with everything good. However, where It does not reign, a soul could live for centuries and not experience more than a few minutes’ worth of goodness. If My Will reigns in the soul, whatever humiliation, contradiction or pain she suffers are the same clouds. The wind of the Divine Fiat blows them over those who are then humiliated for daring to touch the bearer of My Eternal Volition.”
Later on, I thought about my Holy Mom, Her Heart pierced with sorrow, saying farewell to Her Jesus, dead in the tomb.
I thought, “How could She possibly have enough strength to leave Him? Even though He was dead, it was still Jesus’ body. Her maternal love must have overwhelmed Her, it had to be hard to take that first step away from that lifeless body. Yet, She did; such heroic strength!”
As I thought about it, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.
He said, “My daughter, you want to know how My Mom had the strength to leave Me. The real secret of Her strength was that My Will reigned within Her. She lived within a Will that was Divine rather than human; She had immeasurable strength. Moreover, pierced as She was, when My Mama left Me in the sepulcher, My Will immersed Her within two immense seas; one of sorrow, and the other, larger, was one of joy and beatitude. The sea of sorrow gave Her martyrdom, the sea of joy, contentment.”
“Her beautiful soul followed Me into Limbo for the feast the Patriarchs, Prophets, Her mother and father, and our dear Saint Joseph made for Me. My presence transformed Limbo into Paradise. In My pain, We were inseparable, so it was right and just that She be present at this first festival of the creatures. She had the strength to depart from My body simply because Her joy was so great. She withdrew to await My Resurrection as the fulfillment of Redemption. Joy sustained Her in sorrow, and sorrow sustained Her in joy.”
“Those who possesses My Will have strength, power, and joy; she has everything she needs. You experience this yourself when you are without Me and you feel burnt out. The light of Divine Fiat forms Its sea within you, making you happy and giving you life.”
April 16, 1927
How Our Lord made the deposit of His Sacramental Life in the Heart of the Most Holy Virgin. The great good that a life animated by the Divine Will can do. How, in Her sorrows, the Most Holy Virgin found the secret of Her strength in the Divine Will.
I was doing the Hour in which Jesus instituted the Most Holy Eucharist; and Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, when I do an act, first I look to see whether there is at least one creature in whom to place the deposit of My Act, so that she may take the good I do, and keep it safe and well defended.
“Now, when I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament, I looked for this creature, and My Queen Mama offered Herself to receive this Act of Mine and the deposit of this great gift, saying to Me: ‘My Son, just as I offered You my womb and my whole being in Your Conception, to keep You safe and defended, I now offer You my maternal Heart in order to receive this great deposit, and I line up, around Your Sacramental Life, my affections, my heartbeats, my love, my thoughts—all of Myself, to keep You defended, surrounded by cortege, loved, protected. I Myself take on the commitment to repay You for the great gift You are giving. Trust Your Mama, and I will take care of the defense of Your Sacramental Life. And since You Yourself have constituted Me Queen of all Creation, I have the right to line up around You all the light of the sun as homage and adoration, the stars, the heavens, the sea, all the inhabitants of the air—I place everything around You, to give You love and glory.’
“Now, ensuring a place for Myself in which to put this great deposit of My Sacramental Life, and trusting My Mama, who had given Me all the proofs of Her faithfulness, I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. She was the only worthy creature who could keep, defend and protect My Act. See, then, when creatures receive Me, I descend into them together with the acts of My inseparable Mama; and only because of this can I perpetuate My Sacramental Life. Therefore, whenever I want to do a great work worthy of Me, it is necessary that I first choose one creature—first, in order to have a place in which to put My gift; second, to be repaid for it.
“They do the same also in the natural order. If a farmer wants to sow a seed, he does not throw it in the middle of the street, but he goes in search of a little field. First he works it, he forms the furrow, and then he sows the seed in it; and to keep it safe, he covers it with earth, anxiously waiting for the harvest in order to be repaid for his work, and for the seed that he entrusted to the earth. Someone else wants to form a beautiful object: first he prepares the raw materials, the place in which to put it, and then he forms it. So I have done for you: I chose you, I prepared you, and then I entrusted to you the great gift of the manifestations of My Will; and just as I entrusted the destiny of My Sacramental Life to My beloved Mother, in the same way I wanted to trust you, entrusting to you the destiny of the Kingdom of My Will.”
Then, I continued to think about all that my beloved Good had done and suffered during the course of His Life; and He added: “My daughter, My Life down here was extremely short, and I spent most of it hidden. But even though it was so very short, since My Humanity was animated by a Divine Will, how many goods did I not do? The whole Church takes from My Life, drinking Her fill at the fount of My Doctrine. Each Word of Mine is a fountain placed at the mouth of each Christian; each one of My examples is more than sun that illuminates, warms, fecundates, and makes the greatest sanctities mature. If one wanted to compare all the Saints, all the good, all of their pains and their heroism, placed before My very short Life, they would always be tiny little flames before the great sun.
“And since the Divine Will reigned in Me, all the pains, the humiliations, confusions, contrasts, accusations that the enemies gave Me during the course of My Life and of My Passion—everything served to their own humiliation and to their own greater confusion. In fact, since a Divine Will was in Me, it happened with Me as with the sun, when the clouds, extending through the lower air, seem to want to give affront to the sun by obscuring the surface of the earth, covering momentarily the vividness of the solar light. But the sun laughs at the clouds, because they cannot have perennial life in the air—their life is fleeting; a small wind is enough to make them dissolve, while the sun is always triumphant in its fullness of light that dominates and fills the whole earth.
“The same happened with Me. Everything that My enemies did to Me, and even My very death, were like many clouds that covered My Humanity. But the Sun of My Divinity they could not touch; and as soon as the wind of the power of My Divine Will moved, the clouds dissolved and, more than sun, I rose again, glorious and triumphant, leaving the enemies more humiliated than before.
“My daughter, in the soul in whom My Will reigns with all Its fullness, minutes of life are centuries—and centuries of fullness of all goods; while wherever It does not reign, centuries of life are only minutes of goods that they contain. And if the soul in whom My Will reigns should suffer humiliations, contrasts and pains, these are like clouds that the wind of the Divine Fiat unloads over those who, to their own humiliation, have dared to touch the bearer of My Eternal Volition.”
After this, I was thinking about the sorrow of my Mama, when, sorrowful and pierced in Her Heart, She departed from Jesus, leaving Him dead in the sepulcher; and I thought to myself: “How can it be possible that She had so much strength as to be able to leave Him? It is true that He was dead, but it was always the body of Jesus. How could Her maternal love not consume Her, rather than letting Her take one step alone away from that extinguished body? Yet, She left Him. What heroism, what strength!”
But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter, do you want to know how My Mama had the strength to leave Me? All the secret of Her strength was in My Will reigning in Her. She lived of a Will that was Divine—not human, and therefore She contained the immeasurable strength. Even more, you must know that when My pierced Mama left Me in the sepulcher, My Will kept Her immersed within two immense seas—one of sorrow, and another, more extensive, of joys and beatitudes; and while that of sorrow gave Her all the martyrdoms, that of joy gave Her all the contentments.
“Her beautiful soul followed Me into Limbo, and was present at the feast that all the Patriarchs, the Prophets, Her father, Her mother and our dear Saint Joseph made for Me. With My presence, Limbo became Paradise; and I could not do without letting She who had been inseparable from Me in My pains, be present at this first feast of the creatures. And Her joy was so great, that She had the strength to depart from My body, withdrawing and waiting for the fulfillment of My Resurrection as the fulfillment of Redemption. Joy sustained Her in sorrow, and sorrow sustained Her in joy.
“To one who possesses My Will, neither strength, nor power, nor joy can be lacking; rather, she has everything at her disposal. Do you not experience this within yourself when you are without Me and you feel consumed? The light of the Divine Fiat forms Its sea, it makes you happy, and it gives you life.”
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