Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Luisa Post-it, 'souls of all kinds'

Souls of all kinds
the ones sleepy with love
the ignorant of love
the crazy of love
the learned of love
... what interests me the most
And Jesus added: “I make souls of all kinds: I make the ones sleepy with love, the ignorant of love, the crazy of love, the learned of love.  But, of all this, do you know what interests me the most?  That everything be love.  Anything else which is not love is worth not even a glance.” 

July 23, 1912

The heart must be empty of everything.

Finding myself with my always lovable Jesus, I was lamenting to Him because, in addition to His privations, I also felt my poor heart insensitive, cold, and indifferent to everything, as if it no longer had life.  What a pitiful state mine is!  And even so, I myself am unable to cry over my misfortune.  ‘Since I myself am unable to have compassion for myself - You, have compassion for this heart, which You have loved so much, and which You intended so firmly to receive.’ 

And Jesus: “My daughter, do not afflict yourself for something that deserves no affliction.  Instead of having compassion for these laments and for your heart, I am pleased and I say to you:

Rejoice with Me, because I have made a complete purchase of your heart.  And since you no longer feel anything of your very contentment and of the life of your heart, I alone come to enjoy your contentment and your very life.’ 

You must know that when you do not feel anything from your heart, I draw your heart into my Heart and I keep at rest, in sweet sleep, while I enjoy it.  If you do feel it, then the enjoyment is together.  If you let Me act, after I have given you rest in my Heart and enjoyed it from you, I will come to rest in you and I will make you enjoy the contentment of my Heart.”

Ah, my daughter, this state is necessary for you, for Me and for the world.  For you: if you had been awake, you would have suffered very much in seeing the chastisements which I am sending now, and the others which I will send.  Therefore, it is necessary to put you to sleep so as not to make you suffer so much.  It is necessary for Me: how much I would have suffered had I not made you content - had I not condescended to what you wanted, since you would not permit Me to send chastisements.  So, it was necessary to put you to sleep.  In certain sad times, with necessity of chastisements, it is necessary to choose ways in the middle in order to be less unhappy.  It is necessary for the world: if I wanted to pour Myself out with you and make you suffer as a lance used to do - and therefore making you content by sparing the world the chastisements - faith, religion, salvation, would be banished even more from the world, especially considering how souls are disposed in these times.  Ah, my daughter, let Me act, whether I have to keep you awake or asleep.  Did you not tell Me to do with you whatever I wanted?  Do you perhaps want to withdraw your word?” 

And I: ‘Never, O Jesus!  Rather, I fear that I have become bad, and because of this I feel I am in this state.’ 

And Jesus: “Listen, my daughter, is it perhaps that some thought, affection or desire which is not for Me has entered into you?  If this were the case, you should fear; but if this is not, it is a sign that I keep your heart in Me and I make it sleep.  The time will come - it will come - when I will have it wake up; then you will see that you will take the attitude of before, and since you will have been at rest, this attitude will be greater.” 

Then He added: “I make souls of all kinds: I make the ones sleepy with love, the ignorant of love, the crazy of love, the learned of love.  But, of all this, do you know what interests me the most?  That everything be love.  Anything else which is not love is worth not even a glance.” 


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