Wednesday 23 April 2014

Jesus first appears to His Mother, Mary. by Maria Valtorta

William Wardle 22 April Easter Tuesday
Dear Father Donald,

With delight and fascination, I have located the online text of the apocryphal Gospel of Gamaliel:-
I will now enjoy studying its scope and learning of its history and place in the traditions of the Church.
The things you uncover...!
In the love of the Lord,

Thank you, William.
It is great that have already found 'The Gospel of Gameliel'.
Your quote is prompting for more insights.
I have been diverted, and came back to the theme, "JESUS APPEARS TO HIS MOTHER". .
 BUT; lo behold, the wheels are churning some connections from the Holy Land Chronicle.
At Latroun Abbey, a couple at the Guesthouse, from Australia, were enthusing about Maria Valtorta. On their pilgrimage they were following faithfully the pathway of Christ, "Te Poem of the Man-God", 5 Vols.
After Vespers, I got to the shelves and without too much searching , found the references. The first paragraph caused me to gasp for the beauty. enough for the moment or to set me to pass to you on the trail. 
Much to amazement, there is the Online narrative "JESUS APPEARS TO HIS MOTHER".   See below.
Yours ...
P.S.                             THE POEM OF THE MAN-GOD
(consisting of seven parts in five volumes)
The Hidden Life
The first year of the Public Life
The Second year of the Public Life
Thethird year of th Public Life
Preparation for the Passion
The Glorification
Jesus first appears to His Mother, Mary.

   Excerpted from POEM OF THE MAN-GOD, Volume 5, pages 701-704.

     Mary is prostrated with Her face on the floor.  She looks like a poor wretch.  She looks like that withered flower of which She has spoken. 
     The closed window is opened with a violent banging of the heavy shutters, and with the first ray of the sun, Jesus enters.
     Mary, Who has been shaken by the noise and has raised Her head to see which wind has opened the shutters, sees Her radiant Son: handsome, infinitely more handsome than He was before suffering, smiling, lively, brighter than the sun, dressed in a white garment that seems woven light, and Who is advancing towards Her.
     She straightens Herself up on Her knees and crossing Her hands on Her breast, she says with a sob that is joy and grief: "Lord, My God."  And She remains thus, enraptured in contemplating Him, with Her face all washed by tears, but made serene, pacified by His smile and by the ecstasy.
     But He does not want to see His Mother on Her knees, like a servant.  And He calls Her, stretching out His hands, from the wounds of which emanate rays that make His glorious Flesh even brighter: "Mother!"  But it is not the sorrowful word of the conversations and the farewells before His Passion, or the heart-rending lament of the meeting on Calvary and of the agony.  It is a cry of triumph, of joy, of freedom, of rejoicing, of love, of gratitude.  And He bends over His Mother, Who dare not touch Him, and He places His hands under Her bent elbows, and He lifts Her up, He presses her to His Heart and kisses Her.
     Oh! Mary realises then that it is not a vision, that it is Her Son Who has really risen, that it is Her Jesus, the Son Who still loves Her as a Son.  And with a cry, She flings Her arms round His neck, and She embraces and kisses Him, laughing in Her weeping.  She kisses His Forehead, where there are no longer any wounds, His Head no longer unkempt and bloody, His shining Eyes, His healed Cheeks, His Mouth no longer swollen.  She then takes His Hands and kisses their backs and palms, their radiant wounds, and She suddenly bends down to His Feet and uncovers them from under His bright garment and kisses them.  Then She stands up, looks at Him, but dare not.
     But He smiles and understands.  He uncovers His chest a little and says: "And this one, Mother, are You not kissing it, this one that grieved You so much and that You alone are worthy to kiss?   Kiss My Heart, Mother.  Your kiss will cancel the last remembrance of what is sorrowful and will give Me that joy, which My Joy of having risen from the dead still lacks."   And He takes the face of His Mother in His Hands and He lays Her lips on the lips of the wound of His Chest, from which streams of a very bright light are flowing. 
     Mary's face is haloed by that light, flooded as it is with its beams.  She kisses and kisses, while Jesus caresses Her.  She never tires kissing.  She looks like a thirsty woman whose mouth is attached to a fountain and who drinks from it the life that was escaping her.
     Jesus speaks now.      
     "It is all over, Mother.  You no longer have to weep over Your Son.  The trial is over.  Redemption has taken place. 
     Mother, thanks for conceiving Me, for bringing Me up, for helping Me in life and in death.
     I heard Your prayers come to Me.  They have been My strength in My grief, My companions in My journey on the Earth and beyond the Earth.  They came with Me on the Cross and to Limbo.  They were the incense that preceded the Pontiff, Who was going to call His servants and take them to the temple that does not die: to My Heaven.  They have come with Me to Paradise, preceding, like an angelical voice, the procession of the redeemed led by the Redeemer, so that the angels should be ready to greet the Conqueror, Who was returning to His Kingdom.  They have been seen and heard by the Father and the Spirit, Who smiled at them, as if they were the most beautiful flower and the sweetest song born in Paradise.  They have been recognised by the Patriarchs and by the new Saints. by the new, first, citizens of My Jerusalem, and I bring You their thanks, Mother, together with the kisses of their relatives, with their blessings and with that of Joseph, the spouse of Your soul.
     The whole of Heaven sings it hosanna to You, Mother, Holy Mother!  A hosanna that does not die, that is not a false one like the one given to Me a few days ago.
     I will now go to the Father in My human appearance.  Paradise must see the Conqueror in His appearance of Man, by means of which He defeated the Sin of Man.  But I will come again.  I must confirm in the Faith those who do not yet believe and are in need to believe to lead the others to believe, I must fortify the pusillanimous ones who will need so much strength to resist the world.
     Then I will ascend to Heaven.  But I will not leave You alone.  Mother, can You see that veil?  In My annihilation, I still exhaled the power of miracle on Your behalf, to give You that comfort.  But for You I will work another miracle.  You will have Me, in the Sacrament, as real as when You carried Me.
     You will never be alone.  But these past days You have been alone.  But also that sorrow of Yours was required for My Redemption.  Much is continously to be added to Redemption, because much will be continously created in the way of Sin.  I will call all My servants to this redeeming participation.  You are the one who by Yourself will do more than all the others together.  But also this long abandonment was required.
     Now no longer so.  I am no longer separated from the Father.  You will no longer be separated from Your Son.  And, by having Your Son, You have our Trinity.  A living Heaven, You will bring the Trinity to men on the Earth, and You will sanctify the Church, Queen of the Priesthood and Mother of the Christians.
     Then I will come to get You.  And no longer shall I be in You, but You will be in Me, in My Kingdom, to make Paradise more beautiful.
     I am going now, Mother, I am going to make the other Mary happy.  Then I will ascend to the Father.  Thence I will come to those who do not believe.  Mother, Your kiss as a blessing.  And My Peace to You as a companion.  Goodbye."
     And Jesus disappears in the sunshine that streams down from the clear early morning sky.
The Risen Christ Appears to His Mother Mary                   Guercino

Written by Maria Valtorta, February 21, 1944.
Copyright 1990 by Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, srl, Isola del Liri, Italy.  All rights reserved in all countries.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Glencairn Abbey - RTE player


A year in the life of the inhabitants of St Mary's Abbey, Glencairn, Co Waterford, which is Ireland's only women's Cistercian Monastery. 

 Would You Believe? Special: School Of Love

Would You Believe? Special: ... 

Fw: St. Mary's Abbey Glencairn News         

On Saturday, 12 April 2014, 
Andy ...> wrote:
Hi Donald,...
I presume that you get a copy of this newsletter sent to you - but in case you don't I thought I should copy it to you.
I have managed to download the RTE in player and will be able to view this programme. 
 Hope you can.
God bless
On Friday, 11 April 2014, 
St Mary's Abbey Glencairn - News <> wrote:

St Mary's Abbey Glencairn News

Posted: 10 Apr 2014 07:12 AM PDT
This Easter Sunday RTÉ’s Would You Believe? School of Love goes behind the scenes into Ireland’s only women’s Cistercian Monastery.  For the past year, RTE’s Would You Believe? team have been given special access to monastic life at Glencairn in order to produce this one hour special documentary to be broadcast on Easter Sunday.  With unique footage of the early steps and special moments in the monastic journey of Dublin woman Angela Finegan and other members, together with interviews with some of the professed sisters of the community against the backdrop of the seasonal changes of the Abbey’s beautiful natural surroundings, School of Love gives unprecedented television coverage of contemporary Cistercian life for women at St Mary’s Abbey, Glencairn. We hope that viewers will enjoy this opportunity to gain insights into a life that brings us such joy and challenge, as we Cistercians endeavour to learn, in this School of Love, the paths of the Lord together as a monastic community.  RTE Press Release: On Easter Sunday, in School of Love, RTÉ’s Would You Believe? spends a year behind the scenes in Ireland’s only women’s Cistercian Monastery. Nestled in the lush valley of the Blackwater, in Co Waterford, the nuns of St Mary’s Abbey, Glencairn, dedicate themselves to a way of life first laid down by St Benedict in the 6th Century. It is a life of silence, solitude and prayer. Each day of their monastic life, they rise at 3.45am and gather to sing the Lord’s praises and to keep vigil with all those who wake during the night in fear, or sadness or pain. It is the first of seven prayer ceremonies which end after sunset and Sr Fiachra, a former horticulturalist, says of the early start, ‘it is in the darkest hour of the night, at 4am, that people wake and worry about their troubles. So, that’s why I’m on my feet praying for all the people that are suffering, whatever it is that they are suffering, so that they will feel God s presence and comfort in that trauma.’ Sr Sarah, Director of Vocations, is in charge of promoting vocations. She also runs the Abbey’s website and organises regular ‘Monastic Experience Weekends.’ They are well attended and have led to a number of new postulants. One Dublin woman, Angela, an IT specialist with qualifications in science and social work, came for a weekend, stayed and is now thinking of taking her vows and joining the order. The film follows her journey throughout the year as she faces a life-changing decision. It would be a unique television experience to witness a postulant receiving the veil in a ‘Monastic Initiation Ceremony,’ but that is the choice that Angela will make during the course of the documentary. St Mary’s Abbey is a busy and happy place. The nuns work as a community, surviving by their own labour and running a number of businesses: Communion host production, greetings card printing, farming and cleaning, maintaining and restoring their large and demanding collection of buildings. They possess a wide range of skills and are hugely self-sufficient. Most of all, though, they are a happy and caring community. They live a monastic life in a monastery which, in St Bernard’s phrase, is a ‘school of love’. The women, who include a former Central Banker, an IT specialist, a radio producer, a farmer and a midwife, are committed to a way of life that is counter-cultural in the contemporary world. And yet, they believe their chosen life is the best contribution they can make to that world. Join us for a unique insight into their challenging, but uplifting, way of life. You can watch this programme on RTE 1 on Easter Sunday, 20th April 2014 at 10:30pm.  You can also watch Would You Believe?  School of Love online at: Photo: RTE’s Would You Believe? Camera-woman Úna Farrelly filming the sisters in choir  

 RTE News 
Fw: from Anne Marie    
On Monday, 21 April 2014, 8
Anne Marie ...> wrote:
This is the link to the programme about Glencairn.

We were able to watch this on the IPad with an app for watching the Irish television.
I presume someone would have recorded it for you but if you know someone nearby with an IPad asked them to come and visit so that you can watch it.
They need to download the RTE app they would find it on the App Store or just google it.
and they would find it.
Without the App you cannot see it.
It is a lovely programme.

Anne Marie

Monday 21 April 2014

Easter Tuesday Saint John 20:11-18. Mary Magdalene stayed outside the tomb...


Easter Tuesday 2014. 
The ‘Daily Gospel’, for this day, happens to introduce again with St. Gregory Palamas.
This Reference is also very useful.
A question remains about the Apocryphal Gospel of Gamaliel ... ?

Saint John 20:11-18.
Mary Magdalene stayed outside the tomb weeping. And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb...

Commentary of the day : 
Saint Gregory Palamas (1296-1359), monk, Bishop and theologian 
Homily 20, on the eight morning gospels according to Saint John ; PG 151, 265 

"Go to my brothers"

Outside darkness still reigned; it was not yet day; yet that cave was full of the light of the resurrection. Mary saw this light through God's grace: her love for Christ had been quickened and she had the strength to see the angels... Then they said to her: “Woman, why are you weeping? What you are seeing in this cave is heaven, or rather a heavenly temple in place of a tomb dug out to be a prison... Why are you weeping?”... 

Outside, day is still unclear and the Lord does not make that divine brightness appear which would have made him known at the heart of suffering. So Mary did not recognize him... When he spoke and allowed himself to be recognized..., even then, as she saw him alive, she had no idea of his divine greatness but addressed him as a mere man of God... In the upsurge of her heart she now wants to throw her arms round his knees, to touch his feet. But he said to her: “Do not touch me... for the body with which I am now clothed is lighter and more mobile than fire; it is able to rise up to heaven and even to my Father's side in the heights of heaven. I have not yet risen to my Father because I have not as yet shown myself to my disciples. Go and find them; they are my brothers for we are all children of one Father” (cf. Gal 3,26)... 

The church in which we stand is the symbol of that cave. Indeed, it is more than a symbol: it is, as it were, another Sepulchre. It is there we find the place where the Lord's body has been laid, the holy table. So whoever runs with all their heart towards this divine tomb, God's true dwelling... will there learn the words of the inspired writings that will instruct him, like the angels, about the divinity and humanity of the Word of God incarnate. And thus he will see the Lord himself, without any possibility of error... For whoever looks with faith on the mystic table and the bread of life laid on it will see in its reality the Word of God who was made flesh for us and made his dwelling amongst us (Jn 1,14). And if he proves himself worthy of receiving it, he will not only see but will share in its being; he will take it into himself that he may remain there.

Easter Monday. Office Sext 11.45 a.m.


Sr. Mary, 
in Poland, is talking of the MEDITATION of St. Gregory Palamas 
from her copy of the

Fw: from Anne Marie    
On Monday, 21 April 2014, 
Anne Marie ...> wrote:

Happy Easter.  
The photos are great.  
You are building up a great photographic record of the life of the Abbey.

Anne Marie.
sent by iPad

Fw: [Blog The Easter Proclamation.

On Monday, 21 April 2014, William ...> wrote:

Dear Father Donald,

What a delight to share across the miles in your Easter Proclamation, wonderfully atmospheric photographs, so symbolic, bringing the Light of Life into the dead of night.

How perfect the cloisters for the candlelit procession!

Thank you Father.

... in the Risen Lord,

Easter Monday. Chapel of the Apparition of Jesus to his Mother

... the Mother of God was the first person to receive from the Lord the Good News of the Resurrection, and she saw him risen and had the joy of his divine words before anyone else. She not only beheld him with her eyes and heard him with her ears, but was the first and only person to touch with her hands his most pure feet. If the Evangelists do not say all this openly it is because they do not want to put for­ward his Mother as a witness, lest they give unbelievers grounds for suspicion. (Saint Gregory Palamas). 

The Meditation from St. Gregory Palamas vividly reminded me in visits to the Franciscan Church in the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem. It waked me to find the photos and the details. Terra Santa obliges us to the amazing Website, below.
Search 4c. the Apocryphal Gospel of Gamiliel.
Mary at the Fourth Station, the Pieta at the Thirteenth Station, the Mother of God ...of the Resurrection, ...
+ + + › History › Historical Periods

Since that time the Franciscan friars have occupied the Chapel of the Apparition of the risen Jesus to his Mother. Fra Niccolò da Poggibonsi, who visited the Holy ...

Chapel of the Apparition of Jesus to his Mother

“Then Jesus said to Mary: ‘You have shed enough tears. He who was crucified is alive and speaks to you and consoles you, it is he whom you are seeking, it is he who is wearing the heavenly purple. He whose tomb you seek is the one who has shattered the bronze doors and liberated the prisoners from Hell.’” (Apocryphal Gospel of Gamiliel)

Chapel of the Apparition
Known as the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament or the Chapel of the Apparition of Jesus to his Mother, it commemorates an event narrated in the apocryphal “Book of the Resurrection of Christ by Bartholomew the Apostle”.
The chapel has existed since the 11th century restoration of Constantine Monomachus, and was restored during the 1980s by the Franciscans. It is adorned with a modern bronze statue of the Stations of the Cross by Father Andrea Martini.

To the right of the altar is the Column of the Flagellation, a piece of the red porphyry column, venerated for centuries by the Latin faithful in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, brought to this location in 1553 by Father Custos Boniface of Ragusa.


Chapel of the Apparition


4. Jesus meets hid mother

13. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross. The Pieta  

Octave of Easter 24 April 2014

Monday within the Octave of Easter 
MEDITATION     OF THE      DAY from Magnificat com
Easter Monday
The Resurrection of the Lord is the renewal of human nature, and the renewal, re-creation, and return to im­mortality of the first Adam who was swallowed up by death because of sin, and through death went back to the earth from which he was formed. In the beginning nobody saw Adam being made and brought to life, for no one existed yet at that time. However, once he had received the breath of life breathed into him by God (Gn 2:7), a woman was the first to see him, for Eve was the first human being after him. In the same way, no one saw the second Adam, that is the Lord, rising from the dead, since none of his disciples were present and the soldiers keeping the tomb had been shaken with fear and became like dead men. But after the Resurrection it was a woman who saw him first of all ....

There is something which the Evangelists tell us in a veiled way, but which I shall reveal to your charity. As was right and just, the Mother of God was the first person to receive from the Lord the Good News of the Resurrection, and she saw him risen and had the joy of his divine words before anyone else. She not only beheld him with her eyes and heard him with her ears, but was the first and only person to touch with her hands his most pure feet. If the Evangelists do not say all this openly it is because they do not want to put for­ward his Mother as a witness, lest they give unbelievers grounds for suspicion.

Saint Gregory Palamas (+1359) was a monk and Archbishop of Thessalonica.

Grcgory Palamas (SaintFrom The Homilies, Christopher Veniamln, Ed. and Tr. The Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex, UK. Published by Mount Thabor Publishing, 2009. www.thaborian.corn. Used with pemission.

Sunday 20 April 2014

The Easter Proclamation

During the Service of Light, we stand, holding our lighting candles.

           Abbot sets to Paschal fire alight.

Paschal Candle leads the procession in the Cloister

Procession from the Cloister to the Church entrance

The Deacon carries the Paschal Candle in the sanctuary.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Holy Saturday 'I was trying to be one with Him in His agony.' Vigil of the Resurrection

Holy Saturday.  Vespers Song of Mary, Crucifixion Fra Angelico

 Holy Saturday 2014 afforded the hours for reflection prayer and heartfelt presence of the Lord in agony

HE AND i  1942  (Gabrielle Bossis)
 November - 14  –  Holy Hour.  –
I was trying to be one with Him in His agony.

"The last evening of My life among you  -  how sweet and solemn it was. . . I gave Myself not only to the Twelve, but to everyone of you right to the end of the world.

My child, I was already in your hearts by My yearning for you. I had so great a desire that everyone, everyone, might receive the sacrament of My love, since I came to invent it for you. And I saw all the benefits that you would find in it. But in My agony, I also saw desecrations and sacrileges; I saw what I had done with such love become an object of hatred and loss. What an exchange for the infinite delicacy of My love! And I was alone in My suffering. "

(. . . ) "You who have the joy of receiving Me every day, ask that this same grace be given to others. Say to Me, 'Choose them  -  you who know all the secrets of souls  -  and apply my prayer to them. '

And if you are the means of bringing one or many into frequent fellowship with Me, do you think that I could fail to be grateful, not only for the glory gained by it, but above all for the joy it brings to My heart. I' ll let you feel this joy reflected upon you. "
Crucifixion-Fra_Angelico_Capitular Hall, Convent San Marco, Florence, Italy

Easter Vigil Exultet The Light of Christ (Lumen Christi)

Nunraw Abbey Liturgy
Saturday, 19 April 2014

Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil, solemnity - Year A

Holy Saturday
The women saw  how his body was laid; and they prepared spices and ointments;  and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.  Luke 23:55,56
        Holy Saturday (in Latin, Sabbatum Sanctum ), the 'day of the entombed Christ,' is the Lord's day of rest, for on that day Christ's body lay in His tomb.  
        We recall the Apostle's Creed which says "He descended unto the dead."   It is a day of suspense between two worlds, that of darkness, sin and death, and that of the Resurrection and the restoration of the Light of the World.   For this reason no divine services are held until the Easter Vigil at night.  
        This day between Good Friday and Easter Day makes present to us the end of one world and the complete newness of the era of salvation inaugurated by the Resurrection of Christ.
The Easter Vigil
Very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had preparedand they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.  Luke 24:1,3
        The night vigil of Easter signifies Christ's passage from the dead to the living by the the liturgy which begins in darkness (sin, death) and is enlightened by the fire and the candle representing Lumen Christi the Light of Christ just as the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, the community of believers, is led from spiritual darkness to the light of His truth.
        Christ's baptism, which our own baptism imitates, is represented during the liturgy by the blessing of the water of baptism by immersing (`burying') the candle representing His Body into the font.  
        During the liturgy we recall God's sparing of the Hebrews whose doors were marked with the blood of the lamb; we are sprinkled with the blessed water by which we were cleansed from original sin through Christ's sacrifice, and we repeat our baptismal vows, renouncing Satan and all his works. We rejoice at Christ's bodily resurrection from the darkness of the tomb; and we pray for our passage from death into eternal life, from sin into grace, from the weariness and infirmity of old age to the freshness and vigor of youth, from the anguish of the Cross to peace and unity with God, and from this sinful world unto the Father in heaven.  
The Water
        The Easter Vigil includes a blessing of water. The water is a sign of purification and of baptism. Holy water, that is, water that has been ceremonially blessed is a sacramental. Sacramentals are "sacred signs which bear a resemblace to the sacraments[by which the faithful are] given access to the stream of divine grace which flows from the paschal mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of Christthe fountain from which all sacraments and sacramentals draw their power."    [Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 60. Second Vatican Council Documents]
        Some other common sacramentals are blessed palm (and the ashes used on Ash Wednesday made from them), candles, medals, priestly blessings and other prayers.  Water blessed during the Easter Vigil is used for baptisms and other blessings. This water does not last the whole year, so there is a special blessing for holy water used at other times of the year, also. Traditionally the blessing of holy water includes an exorcism, or protection against evil, and the addition of salt, a spiritual symbol of wisdom which preserves our faith. 
       Catholic churches have basins or `fonts' containing holy water near the entrance so that believers can dip their fingers in it before making the sign of the cross as they enter the House of God as a symbol of purification. This simple gesture reminds believers of their consecration to Christ in baptism, and visibly indicates their acceptance of the Catholic faith.
The Light of Christ (Lumen Christi)
        The Paschal candle represents Christ, the Light of the World: "I am the light of the world. He that followeth me walketh not in darkness" [John 8:12]. The pure beeswax of which the candle is made represents the sinless Christ who was formed in the womb of his Mother. The wick signifies his humanity, the flame, his divine nature, both soul and body. Five grains of incense inserted into the candle in the form of a cross recall the aromatic spices with which his Sacred Body was prepared for the tomb, and of the five wounds in his hands, feet, and side. 
        During the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night the priest or deacon carries the candle in procession into the dark church. A new fire, symbolizing our eternal life in Christ, is kindled which lights the candle. The candle, representing Christ himself, is blessed by the priest who then inscribes in it a cross, the first letters and last of the Greek alphabet, (Alpha and Omega `the beginning and the end') and the current year, as he chants the prayer below; then affixes the five grains of incense.  The Easter candle is the largest and most beautiful in the Church. It is a reminder of the Risen Redeemer "who shining in light left the tomb." It is lighted each day during Mass throughout the Paschal season until Ascension Thursday.  
Christ yesterday and today, 
the Beginning and the End, 
the Alpha and Omega. 
His are the times and ages: 
To Him be glory and dominion 
Through all ages of eternity.
Vatican 'Exultet' English, new  =