Thursday, 3 February 2011

Cistercian Trappists, Tibhirine Priory, Atlas, Algeria

Murdeof Trappistin Algeria

Mystery of the Martyred Monks
by Alain Woodrow  
The TABLET 4 December 2010 
 A French film opened this week in Britaintellinof the kidnapping and murder of seven Trappist monks in Algeria in 1996. Islamic extremists were blamed,although it seems the truth is far more complicated and potentiallyembarrassinto both the Algeriaand French Governments

Numerous books, articles, televisiodocumentaries and now a film have beenmade othe subject, buthmystery of the assassina­tiooseveFrench Trappist monks in Algeri14 years ago has never been fullelucidated. 

ThFrench movieDes hommes et dedieuadirected by self-styledagnostic Xavier Beauvois, winneof the Grand Prix at Cannethis yeaandreleased in Britain aOf GodanMen yesterday, simplrelates thknownfactwithouexpressing a political opinionIt waaimmediate success, withone and half million people seeinthe filin the first three weekafter its release iFrance in September.  

Fresinformation has come tolight recently: thankto thedeclassification by thFrenchGovernment of some secret documents, suspicious clues have emerged and newhypotheses have beeaire- notto mention the ongoinginvestigation by thFrench judiciaryBut manquestionsremain unanswered. Whokidnapped thmonkin March 1996 in their Algerian monastery of OuLady of Atlas ithe village of Tibhirine at thfoot of thAtlas Mountains? What role dithIslamischiefDjamel ZitounplayWhmurdered thmonks and why were they beheaded,their bodies never beinfound?  

Thhistory of the French Church in Algeriis a long and troubleone. After the colonisation othe countri1830, Trappismonastery was founded in Staouelinear Algiers. In 1846Pope Gregory XVI raised ito the status of abbey. The Emperor Napoleon III visited the abbey anCharles de Foucauldstayed there severatimes on his way to his hermitage in the Hoggar Mountains. The monastery waclosed i1904 for political and financialreasons.  

In 1934, five Trappist monkfrom Sloveniawho had been expelled from France after the separation of Church and State in 1905, settled iTibhirine(whicmeans "garden") in a man­siobuilt by aEnglish settler in thenineteentcentury, surrounded by a largagricultural estate.  

I1962, Algerigained itindependence from France after bitter war lasting eight years. The SuperioGeneraothe Cisterciaorder in Rome planned tclosthe monastery a year laterbut the Archbishop of Algiers,Cardinal Leon-Etienne Duvaldissuaded hifrom doing so, and Tibhirineremained the onlTrappismonastery in the whole of north AfricaIn 1964, eight new monks arrived at the monastery andin 1976thfirst meeting was helbetween the monks and group of Muslim Sufi mystics. A movementcalled Ribat es-Sala(the "Linof Peace") was createto foster Christian-MuslidialogueIn 1984the monasterbecama priory and Christian deCherge was elected prior.  

In 1993during the celebra­tion of Christmas, a group of armemen forcedtheir wainto thmonastery, demanding medicaassistance for Islamist rebels hiding in thmountains. Fr de Cherge parleyed with their leader, explaininthat weapons wernoallowed tenter thmonasterywhich is place of prayer,and whilhe was willing ttend the wounded, he had no medical supplies to sparesince thewerused to minister tthe sicvillagers. Three years later,aarmed group broke in at night ankidnapped seveothe ninmonkinresidence.  

After the first incident at Christma1993Christian de Cherge wrote a moving spirituatestamentfounamong his papers after hideathiwhich he showed his love for Algeria and itMuslim populationAddressinhis family, thpriowrote"If one day it should happen to me - and it could be today tobe a victim of the terroristhat threatento engulall the foreignerlivinin Algeriawould likmy community, mChurch and my familtknow that my life was given to Goand tthis country."  

After a lonmeditation on hipossibly violent death, "which I do not desire,sinccannorejoicin the thought that thpeople I love will be accuseofmmurder", Christian dCherge ended bforgivinhis futurassassin"And I thank you toofriend of thfinamomentwho would not be awarof whayou werdoingYes, say to you too 'thanyou' and 'aDieu'And may we findourselves, happthieves together, in Paradise, ifit pleases GodthFather of ubothAmen! Inshallah!"  

On 23 May 1996twmonths after thdisappearance of the seven monks, a statement issuein the name of the MusliextremisArmed Islamic Group(GIAclaimed respon­sibility for the killing, two days previously, of themonksOn 30 May, thAlgeriaGovernment announcethat their remains had been found near the city of Medea, 1miles from thmonasteryBoth the Algerian anthFrencauthorities have attempted to control media coverage,to ensure thathe Islamic fundamentalistwere blamed. But persistent doubtsabouthe official version of eventbegan tcirculate.   

ThCistercian Studies Quaterlyfoexample, hinted athpossible complicity of tharmyand the Archdiocese of Algierhas repeatedlaskedthAlgerian authorities for the resultof their official investigation. No information has beeforthcoming and the Archbishop of AlgiersHenri Teissier, expressesurpristhanot single person habeearrested.  

Responsibility for the killings was initiallattributed to DjameZitounithe head othe GlAbut it iprobable that he was double agentworking for the secreservices andindirectly, for the army.  

The most likely scenario has been piecetogether by the former Procurator Generaof thCistercian order in Rome, Fr Armand Veilleux, who has worked unceasingltdis­covethe trutabout the martyrdoof the monks of Tibhirine. He publishehis findings in LMondiJanuary 2003. According to himthe presence of thFrench monkin Algeria embarrassethe military, which was determined to force them to leavthe countryNoonly dithe monks refuse to gobut they gave medical assistance to Islamist rebels andeven allowed them to use theitelephone to contacaccompliceabroadThe monks' phone was tapped in Algiers.   

No doubt the army's intelligence servicdid not wish to liquidate the monks physicallybutratherto have them kidnapped bthe Islamists recruited by their agenZitouni anthen "liberatedby tharmand puin planbound for Paris. But things went badlwrong. Zitouni lackethe necessary authority over the different Islamisgroupand the hostages were taken frohim by another Islamist leaderAbou Mosaab. "When Zitouni was sento get them back, he waeliminatedNeither the Algerian nor the French intelligence services were then able to savthe monks.  

It iunlikelthat the monks were killed by decapitationThey werprobablyshot and then beheadedThere was a massive military intervention, with theuse of mortashelling and napalm, in tharea where the monkwere held, andit has been suggestethaaarmy helicoptestrafethe camp where the monks were held captive, killing them by mis­take. This would explain whtheheads onlwere exposesince the bodies were disfigured bnapalm andbullewounds.   

The Algeriaand French authorities doubt­less know more than they are admitting. Butwhilthe Algerian regime can keep silent, the French Government is under the spotlight of public opinionIn fact, a new investigation is under wayled by aanti-terrorist judgeMarTrevidicwho seems determined to solve the mystery.  

• Alain Woodrow writes for The Tablet from France.  

Mk. 6,7-13 and Saint Blaise

Thursday of the Fourth week in Ordinary Time : Mk. 6,7-13
and Saint Blaise

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nivard - - -
 Wed, 2 February, 2011 20:17:04
Subject: St. Blaise

   Today is an optional memorial of St Blaise. I don't know much about him except that he is the special saint for healing throat diseases, sore throats and colds etc.. But we can also pray to him for better speech, as well as for a sweet singing voice to sing the praises of the Lord. 
                 Sending of the disciples (Mk 6:6)   
   Jesus sent the disciples, two by two, to preach the Gospel with no money in their belts. He tells us to watch and be on our guard against all malice and greed. We must guard ourselves against the worries of this world and the cares of this life. We must follow him in our daily monastic round with a free mind.  
   We recall that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living and all-powerful God... was a poor man and a man of the road and lived on alms, he and the Blessed Virgin, and His disciples. Daily, we need to strip ourselves of all attachment to this world’s goods. We need to set our spirits free. Only then may we dance and sing for joy in the love of the Lord and of one another.
Commentary of the day
Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226), Founder of the Friars Minor
Earlier Rule, §8-9 (©Classics of Western Spirituality)
"No money in their belts"
The Lord commands us in the Gospel: «Watch, be on your guard against all malice and greed» (cf. Lk 12:15). «Guard yourselves against the preoccupations of this world and the cares of this life» (cf. Mt 6,25; Lk 21:34). Therefore, none of the brothers, wherever he may be or wherever he goes, should in any way carry, receive, or have received either money or coins, whether for clothing or books or payment for any work-indeed, for no reason-unless it is for the evident need of the sick brothers; for we must not suppose that money or coins have any greater value than stones. And the devil would like to blind those who desire it or consider it better than stones. Therefore, let us who have left all things behind take care that we do not lose the kingdom of heaven for so little (cf. Mt 19:27; Mk 10,24.28). And if we were to find coins in any place, let us give them no more thought than the dust which we crush with our feet; for all this is «vanity of vanities, and all is vanity» (Eccl 1:2).

All the brothers should strive to follow the humility and the poverty of our Lord Jesus Christ... And they must rejoice when they live among people who are considered to be of little worth and who are looked down upon, among the poor and the powerless, the sick and the lepers, and the beggars by the wayside. And when it may be necessary, let them go for alms. And they should not be ashamed, but rather recall that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living and all-powerful God... was a poor man and a transient and lived on alms, he and the Blessed Virgin, and His disciples. Daily, we need to strip ourselves of all attachment to this world’s goods. We need to set our spirits free. Only then may we dance and sing for joy in the Lord and in one another.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Presentation Feb 2nd - Nunraw anniversary 1946

Candlemass,  the Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord.
The Rite of the Blessing of the Candles was celebrated in the early morning Cloister, We carried the lighted candles in the shorter procession.

The processional candles were lit at the beginning of the Alleluia. They illuminate the way of the  Gospel, Creed and Bidding Prayers.
The monks hand the candle to the Celebrant at the Offertory.

The ritual  of LIGHT is dramatic.
The Reading in the Nigh Office was from the Cistercian Father, Bl. Guerric of Igny.
The theme of focussed on LIGT - 12 times.   
Yesterday the YouTube of the Stream and Well of St. Brigid was a powerfull reminder of my visit to the shrine at Faughart in 2006/7(?).
I can think of the fivefold impression:
1. the first impression of the place and it flowing bubbling, gurgling, audible. stream.
2. the memory remains fresh.
3. the fact of the continued flow of the waters.
4. the continuing the flow in its cyber space in this YouTube.
5. this many laired perception of the living waters is the practical application of living prayer.

Yesterday's reflection on the waters immediately finds Guerric of Igny's recurring of the word of LIGHT.
It invites to the multiplying illuminating of the Holy Spirit - the inspiration of Simeon and Anna in the Presentation of the Lord.
The light to enlighten thnations (Guerric of Igny)
Presentation of the Lord
and Anniversary of Sancta Maria Abbey 1946

Night Office Reading: ‘Light’ 12 recurrences.
From a sermon by Guerric of Igny, Cistercian Fathers, (Sermo 1 in festo purificationis BMY, 2.3.5: PL 185, 64-67)

  • As today we hold our burning candles, who could fail immediately to recall that venerable old man who, on this day, took Jesus in his arms, the Word who was latent in a body as light is in wax, and declared him to be the light to enlighten the nations? Indeed, Simeon himself was also a bright and shining lamp, which bore witness to the light. He came to the temple under the influence of the Spirit which filled him precisely in order that, receiving your loving-kindness, 0 God, in the midst of your temple, he might proclaim Jesus as that loving kindness and the light of your people.
  • There, then, is the candle alight in Simeon's hands: do you light your own candles by enkindling them at his - those lamps which the Lord commanded you to have in your hands. Come to him and be enlightened so that you do not so much carry lamps as become them, shining within and without for yourselves and for your neighbors. So may there be a lamp in your heart, in your hand and in your mouth: let the lamp in your heart shine for yourself, the lamp in your hand and mouth for your neighbors. The lamp in your heart is faith inspired reverence, the lamp in your hand the example of good works, the lamp in your mouth edifying speech. We have to shine not only before other people by our good works and by what we say, but also before the angels by prayer and before God by our purpose. In the presence of the angels our lamp is reverence without alloy when we sing attentively in their sight or pray fervently; before God our lamp is a single minded resolve to please him alone to whom we have com­mended ourselves.
  • In order to light all these lamps for yourselves, approach the source of light and become enlightened - I mean Jesus who shines in Simeon's hands to light up your faith, shine on your works, inspire your speech, make your prayer fervent and refine your intentions. Then when the lamp of this life goes out, there will appear for you who had so many lamps shining within you the light of unquenchable life, and it will shine for you at evening like the brightness of midday. Though you may have thought yourself completely used up, you will rise like the daystar and your darkness will be as bright as noon. No longer will you need the sun to shine for you by day nor will the brightness of the moon give you light; instead the Lord will be an everlasting light for you because the luminary of the new Jerusalem is the Lamb. To him be praise and splendor forever. Amen.

IGNY Abbey
GUERRIC OFIGNY (c.1070/1080-1157), about whose early life little is known, probably received his education at the cathedral school of Tournai (1087-1092), perhaps under the influence of Odo of Cambrai (1087-1092). He seems to have lived a retired life of prayer and study near the cathedral of Tournai.  He paid a visit to Clairvaux to consult Saint Bernard, and is mentioned by him as a novice in a letter to Ogerius in 1125-1126. He became abbot of the Cistercian abbey of lgny. in the diocese of Reims in 1138. A collection of 54 authentic sermons preached in chapter on Sundays and feast days have been edited. Guerric's spirituality was influenced by Origen.