Thursday, 24 June 2010 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Community Chapter Sermon (Fr. Donald) for the Solemnity of the Nativity of The Baptist: Nativity, John in the Desert, Beheading, Precursor, Herald, Great of all the Prophets. John’s Dad, Zachary, already was an expert in the Scriptures. How much was John the Baptist to learn of the Scriptures? Where are his writings? Were any scrolls or manuscripts to find in his cave in the wilderness? This morning I checked our Library (or making of a Library) and found at least two copies of the large bible of John Brown of Haddington The story of John Brown of Haddington is told to students by Greek grammarian A. T. Robertson. “At the age of sixteen John Brown, of Haddington, startled a bookseller by asking for a copy of the Greek Testament. He was barefooted and clad in ragged homespun clothes. He was a shepherd boy from the hills of in the Gospel of John. He went off in triumph with the coveted prize, but the story spread that he was a wizard and had learned Greek by the black art. He was actually arraigned for witchcraft, but in 1746 the elders and deacons at Abernethy gave him a vote of acquittal, although the minister would not sign it. His letter of defence, Sir W. Robertson Nicoll says (The British Weekly, Oct. 3, 1918), "deserves to be reckoned among the memorable letters of the world." John Brown became a divinity student and finally professor of divinity. He had taught himself Greek while herding his sheep, and he did it without a grammar. Surely young John Brown of Haddington should forever put to shame those theological students and busy pastors who neglect the Greek Testament, though teacher, grammar, lexicon are at their disposal. ” This story is quoted from one of countless Online digital accessible sites – very strong in courses on Bible and Bible Greek. Come back to John the Baptist, we certainly know that John was articulate, he was passionate, he was eloquent. But there is no word of John, just as no word from Jesus, is known of their writing down. Yet we now have the boundless resources on the Scriptures. To take a very small example of something very usable. To hand, is an Online New Testament HARMONY. A quick glance shows the HARMONY as of rows and columns. Roughly speaking there is a large section of the Synoptic Gospels in common. In contrast the Infancy in St Luke is mostly on its own column. On the other hand, Now hardly scratching the surface of available digital assets. From that view of point, the HARMONY gives us the amazing bedspread patchwork of openings, clues, cues, quotes, references of Jesus and also of John the Baptist (even if more brief). The immersion experience in the Scriptures of Jesus and John Baptist transforms the opposite, to the un-immersion, to the emergence of deepest grasp of the Jesus links, and like those of John Baptist. Familiarity of the Gospels is described as the balance and competence of Scriptures in Head, Heart and Hands: - the HEAD of study and learning of the Sacred Books, - the HEART responding to the Holy Spirit, - - the HANDS applied to life and action. Does that not sound like the LECTIO VINA of monastic daily practice. May the Solemnity of John Baptist today serve as the springboard of head and heart and hands in the spirit of John the Baptist, head of prophet preaching, heart of passionate loving, hands in baptising. Icons are the popular subject of Icons of the Birth, Baptising and Beheading of the Baptist and are more as caricatures of single channel sight than the word. It is very different to go with the flowing of the word in the Scriptures. John’s conversation and teaching was the first formation of his disciples. Herod is known to go down to the jail to quiz John in that kind of exchange about theScriptures. John’s life and vocation fills more complete Videos and Audios of the Greatest of the Prophets – by definition his life is prophecy. More specifically, regarding the Nativity of Saint John of the Baptist. The interesting fact is that this Feast is one of only three Feasts that commemorate birthdays, the other two being the birthday of Jesus on 25 December, and that of Our Lady on 8 September. And what do all three have in common? They were all three born without original sin! Our Lord and Lady were both, of course, conceived without sin, but Luke 1:13-15 But the angel said to him: Fear not, Zachary, for thy prayer is heard: and thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son. And thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness: and many shall rejoice in his nativity. For he shall be great before the Lord and shall drink no wine nor strong drink: and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. Earlier, Mary; (Luke 1:26, 28, 31, 36, 39-41, 56, 57 ...And it came to pass that when This Feast follows the Feast of the Annunciation by 3 months and precedes the birth of Christ by six months. It is providential that the Feast of "the Forerunner, "the greatest of all Prophets, should fall at Midsummer, around the Summer Solstice when the days become shorter, because of his words in John 3:30, "He must increase, but I must decrease." It is the longest day of the year, and from here on out, the days grow shorter and shorter. Conversely, Our Lord, the "Radiant Dawn," was born at the Winter Solstice, when the days were becoming longer! If you listened so far there may seem some problem. In fact the question arises – at least to my mind. An article had this note
June 24 is the Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist, the cousin of Christ who leapt in his mother Elizabeth's womb when the Virgin Mary came to visit her. Traditionally, Catholics have seen John the Baptist's leap as a type of Baptism, and thus believe that he is one of only three people born without Original Sin--Christ Himself and the Blessed Virgin being the other two. Among Comments June 23, 2009 at 3:09 pm (3) Tina says: I have never heard that Catholic dogma includes John the Baptist as being free from original sin – can you provide any authority for that? Reply: June 23, 2009 at 3:14 pm (4) Scott P. … says: Tina, check the article on John the Baptist in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Here’s the relevant section: Now during the sixth month, the Annunciation had taken place, and, as Mary had heard from the angel the fact of her cousin’s conceiving, she went “with haste” to congratulate her. “And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant” — filled, like the mother, with the Holy Ghost — “leaped for joy in her womb”, as if to acknowledge the presence of his Lord. Then was accomplished the prophetic utterance of the angel that the child should “be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb”. Now as the presence of any sin whatever is incompatible with the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the soul, it follows that at this moment John was cleansed from the stain of original sin. It’s important to note that he wasn’t “free of original sin” in the sense that Mary and Jesus were. He wasn’t conceived without Original Sin; rather, he was cleansed of Original Sin before his birth. Later: June 27, 2009 at 8:12 am (5) Maureen says: I don’t understand original sin. Didn’t Jesus die for all of our sins? A couple dropped in this evening and posed the question. The woman, a senior Hospital Nurse, thought about it and shed light on it so brightly on the truth of the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses us of Original Sin. That kind of reminder is not unlike the shock of John Baptist’s leap in the womb. Just looking for the Mass tomorrow I was surprised to find out that it is the name of John of the Baptist is at the top of the second list of Saints in the Roman Eucharistic Canon. In fact in the old Andrew Missal says “John, Stephen, Matthew, Barnabas etc. Everyone else seems to know but I don’t’ remember adverting to John the Baptist. The Vat II Missal now makes it clear. At this Mass I will be fully mindful of Saint John the Baptist. |
Thursday, 24 June 2010
John Brown of Haddington
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Homily Raymond
----- Forwarded Message ----- - -
From: Raymond . .
To: - - -
Sent: Tue, 22 June, 2010 18:43:13
Jesus could not, of course, just have blurted out from the start that he was Almighty God, come down in the flesh into this world. He had to take time to prepare the minds and hearts of his hearers for such an awesome message. He did so in many different occasions, gradually building up a picture of himself in the minds of his disciples. One of these occasions was when his disciples had been contemplating him praying alone in their presence.
St Luke tells us that on that occasion Jesus asked this question of them: “Who do men say I am?” In order to understand the connection between the disciples observing Jesus at prayer and his asking them: “Who do men say I am?” I think we must compare this scene to the scene where the sick woman touched the hem of Jesus garment and was instantly cured. Jesus, on that occasion, immediately turned round and asked the question “Who touched me?” The disciples were astonished that he should ask “Who touched me?” because the crowd was pressing so close around them that they could hardly move. But Jesus insisted: “I felt power go out of me”, he said. Then the poor woman came forward trembling and confessed that it was she who had touched him. St Luke tells us that not only did Jesus feel the power go forth from himself but also the woman felt the power come into her own body and heal her instantly. So there was a two way traffic, as it were: Jesus felt the power go out of him and the woman felt the power come into her.
Now to get back the scene where Jesus asks his disciples “Who do men say I am?” Let us remember that they have just been watching him communing privately with his heavenly Father and the occasion must have made a very deep impression on them. The scene has echoes of the ‘Transfiguration’ when Peter was so moved that he blurted out “Lord it is good for us to be here”. Perhaps Jesus felt that the tremendous communion between him and his heavenly Father was such that, in some way, it came across to the disciples and they were being given a glimpse of the wonder of his identity. Perhaps they could not spell it out precisely but they knew they had witnessed something altogether otherworldly about him and so Peter could only blurt out the words without fully understanding their meaning. But that was enough for Jesus. He knew that this was another step towards the fullness of the truth about himself.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Who you do say I am?
From: William J ...
To: Donald ...
Sent: Sun, 20 June, 2010 19:38:56
Subject: "Who do you say I am"
- THIS is from a moment's pure excitement, and may be too oblique - except for me to share with one who is aware of the wandering nature of the thoughts of this pilgrim...
Pramuk answers this question: "It is implied in the name Emmanuel, God with us: that God, humanity, and the earth belong essentially together and not apart; and there are many ways to express this central mystery of divine-humanity and sacred corporeality, many ways of growing into the truth of the incarnation."
Anointed of God (Cyril Alexandria)
"The Anointed of God"
Night Office from a homily on Saint Luke's gospel
by Saint Cyril
(Hom 49: Edit R M Tonneau. CSCO Script Syri 70, 110-115) Christ Our Light, translation Friends of Henry Ashworth. Pp. 100-103.
Gospel: Luke 9:18-24
… It was Peter who spoke up. "The Christ of God" he said. …
Cyril's homilies on Luke, most of which are preserved only in a Syriac version of or 7th century, were written in the year 430. Here Cyril makes the point that professing his faith in Jesus as the Anointed of God Peter had to keep silence about this until Christ's divinity was attested by his resurrection
One day when Jesus was praying alone with his disciples he asked them: 'Who do the crowds say that I am?' By praying alone accompanied only by his disciples the Lord and Savior of the world was setting them an example of a life befitting saints. However, there was a danger that this might disturb them and give them mistaken ideas. When they saw praying like a human being one whom the day before they had seen working miracles like God, they might well say among themselves: "This is very strange - who are we to think he is, God or a man?"
To put an end to any such mental turmoil and steady their unsettled faith, Jesus questioned them. He was not ignorant of what was being said of him by those outside the synagogue of the Jews or by the Israelites themselves, but he wanted to withdraw his disciples from the thinking of the multitude and establish right belief in them. Who do the crowds say I am? he asked.
Then Peter burst out before the rest and became the spokesman for the whole group, his words full of the love of God giving expression to a faith in Jesus which was correct and beyond reproach. The Anointed of God, he said. The disciple had weighed his words carefully and spoke of holy things with complete understanding. He did not say simply that Jesus was one anointed by God, but rather that he was The Anointed. For many were called anointed ones because God had anointed them in various ways, some as kings, some as prophets. Others like ourselves are called anointed ones because we have been saved by this Anointed One, the Savior of all the world, and have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit Yes, many have received an anointing. and are therefore called anointed ones, but there is only One who is the Anointed of God the Father.
When the disciple had made his profession of faith Jesus gave them strict orders to tell this to no one. "The Son of Man" he said, "must suffer greatly, and be rejected and killed, and raised up on the third day.
Yet why was it not rather their duty to preach him everywhere? Surely this was the task of those who had been consecrated by him as apostles. However, as Holy Scripture says, Every work has its own time. Preaching Jesus had to follow events which had not yet taken place, namely, the crucifixion, the passion, the physical death, and the resurrection from the dead - that great and truly glorious miracle by which Emmanuel was attested as true God and by nature the Son of God the Father.
Jesus therefore commanded that the mystery should be honored by silence for the time being, until God's saving dispensation was brought to its proper conclusion. Then, when he had risen from the dead, he gave orders for it to be revealed to the whole world, and for all to be offered justification through faith and purification through holy baptism. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, he said. Go, therefore, and teach all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and instruct them to observe all the commandments I have given you. And remember that I am with you always, till the end of the world.
The Ashworth translation reads better than the ONLINE old version:
Saturday, 19 June 2010
----- Forwarded Message ----
Dear …, I just received this from my friend Rosie Viegas fmm in Sr. Breige, a Franciscan Sister from the North of Blessings, love and prayer. Christina
Sr.Briege & The Eucharistic Miracle
This story is very fitting for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ! I received this via an email today and thought that it was a great one to share here. God bless Sr. Briege in her ministry. Have a blessed Feast day!
Today Sister Briege McKenna’s healing ministry is totally centered on the Eucharist. During a special retreat for Sisters a few years ago, she shared a remarkable story of how Jesus led her to this Eucharistic centering.
She said, “I had a big problem. After my own dramatic healing and then receiving the gift of healing others, I was worried because so many people were coming to me.
Many Healings “In less than one year, so many healings were taking place, that the people wanted to make a saint out of me, even asking for relics… cloth from an old habit, my hair trimmings, etc. I was astounded and disturbed by it… and then there was the way that some people wanted to touch me, as if they would be healed or graced by doing so.
“I loved the people, but I did not like what was happening. There was a danger that, instead of directing people to the Lord or to the Mass, they had come just to see me.
“I certainly knew that, of myself, I had absolutely no power, and that it was Jesus Who was doing the healing; that I was only His chosen instrument. However, even to be chosen by Him was itself an extraordinary gift. Pride could step in, and one could begin to believe that one is better than other people. “In a certain way, I felt that I was becoming a celebrity, and I knew that it was neither true, nor good for my soul.
“I went on a pilgrimage to “I remember sitting in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Exposition one day, just praying to Our Lady. Then I went down to the Grotto.
“A pilgrimage was taking place of mentally handicapped children, and as I watched them being assisted from Mass, I remember thinking and knowing that Mary will show me the way.
Come to Sr. Briege came back to She explained that given her existing commitments, she had only an evening and a morning available, and he responded, “That’s fine. God doesn’t need a long time. On your way back from She arrived in When Sr. Briege arrived, he started jumping up and down with delight, and introduced her to his dog and his donkey. Sr. Briege did not know what to expect next!
The Unforgettable Dump
That evening, they drove directly out to the dump, and he told her, “They do not have a clue as to who you are, and it does not matter. When the time comes, I will just get you to say a prayer with them, and God will do the rest.”
When they arrived at the dump, Sr. Briege witnessed scenes she will never forget. On the Texan border with As Fr. Rick showed Sr. Briege around, she was horrified by the sheer squalor. She had given retreats in When Fr. Rick told her that he was going to celebrate Mass there for them the next morning, she was somewhat taken aback, wondering how Mass could be celebrated with any dignity in such an environment. What would the people know or understand?
The children were running around wild like little animals. She was horrified at thinking that, in that place with those people; they will not be able to comprehend what happens during When they arrived, already up to 1000 people were there, and more were coming!
She remembered standing there looking over this crowd of poor miserable people. Clearly visible in the distance, not even fifteen minutes away, were beautiful homes and a big Mexican Seminary. But these people had no church, and indeed, they had nothing. Fr. Rick had taken it upon himself to go out there and to begin evangelizing and ministering to them. He was trying to break down the hatred through speaking of God’s love, and then seeking to get them into groups to do works toward that end.
The Mass
The Mass started, and although Sr. Briege has been a daily communicant since she was 12 years old, she said that that Mass had changed her life! Before the Mass began, she watched an old woman coming in, carrying a bundle on her shoulder. At first, Sr. Briege thought that it was some form of a gift for Fr. Rick.
But, when the old woman opened up the cloth, in it there was a little child, completely burned from head to fool, filthy dirty, and screaming!
The woman looked at Fr. Rick, and with great compassion, she said, “Please bless him. I found him smouldering when I was coming across the mountain.” She had picked him up, put him into this cloth, and carried him to Fr. Rick.
The child was practically skinless! Fr. Rick looked at the little boy, got Sr. Briege to join with him in a prayer, and then suggested that he be placed under the table on which the Mass was to be celebrated. Sr. Briege related that once the Mass had begun, she felt and saw the presence of Jesus. When Fr. Rick said, “Let us say the Gloria,” praises to God came forth from the tops of their voices.
She had come from across the border from comfort. She had everything that she needed, but they had nothing, and yet they praised God loudly and wholeheartedly. She heard the Lord speaking to her, saying, “If my people do not praise Me, the stones will cry out!”
Here were the poorest of the poor and they were radiant with praise to God. When the consecration came, she had her head down. Then she looked up and saw that Fr. Rick had one of those large hosts. For a moment, everybody was prostrate on the ground. It was then that she had the most beautiful image of Jesus with His two hands out. He was smiling, and within herself, she heard the words of the Gospel, “Come to Me all you who are weary, and I will refresh you.”
Just as she was seeing that, the people lifted up their faces and started shouting, “Viva Cristo Rei” …long live Christ the King!!
At that moment, she truly knew that Jesus was in the Host… that it is not just a piece of bread, but truly Jesus, Himself. For these people, in the midst of their poverty, they had the King of Kings. They clapped, cheered, and cried, “Viva Cristo Rei” …long live Christ the King!
She found herself weeping as she saw the great faith of these people, and she asked herself, “Is my faith as strong as theirs, that I may always realize that a Consecrated Host is really Jesus’
The Little Children
Mass ended and the burned little boy, who had been placed under the Mass table, had long since stopped crying. Sr. Briege went to look for him, and she was overwhelmed when she saw him. He had crawled out from under the table, was totally healed, and was playing in the sand!
She went over to the old woman, and said to her, “What happened to him?” With hindsight, she realized that it was a stupid question. The old woman looked at Sr. Briege, and said, ” What do you mean what happened? Didn’t Jesus come?”
As Fr. Rick put his hands over the bread and wine and called upon the Holy Spirit, as the bread and wine were changed, the little boy was changed. He was given new skin!
Not only that, before the Mass, Sr. Briege saw a mother bringing in a Down Syndrome baby. The mother was a young girl, and she had this beautiful little baby in her arms, but it had all the appearances of having Down Syndrome. She and Fr. Rick prayed over the child. At the end of the Mass, the child’s mother came running up to her, saying, “Look at my baby!” Her baby was now perfect.
More Healings
There were many more healings. Sr. Briege had spent eight hours with the people, and she did not remember which ones she prayed with, but it was certainly not all of those who were healed. It was as if God had put on a display of miracles. Fr. Rick usually did not pray with the people. All he did was celebrate the Power Of The Eucharist
Sr. Briege spent eight hours on the mountain dump, and she went back to El Passo so overwhelmed that she could not sleep. Finally, at three a.m., she heard Jesus tell her, “Get up and pray.”
She knelt at the side of the bed, and the Lord said, “You asked My Mother to help you, and to show and teach you, She brought you here. People come and seek signs and wonders. They go looking for healers and for something to help them, and they will go to anybody!
Yet, I am on the altars of the world and in the tabernacles of the world, and they pass Me by. I brought you here because I have a mission for you. I want you to go to the world and speak on the power of the Eucharist. As you begin to lead people to the Eucharist, I will show you what I can do… and, He is doing just that!
This occurred in 1972. Since that time, Sr. Briege has been traveling all over the world to speak about the power of the Eucharist.
In Beg the Holy Spirit to help you to understand the Eucharist. Beg Jesus to give you a Eucharistic Heart, a real love for the Eucharist, like the two disciples who said to Him, “Where do you live?” and He responded, “Come.”
Come to Him in Mass and Adoration. Tell Him your needs, confide in Him, love Him, and then feel His consolation and healing. This is what He wants of us now. Sr. Briege understands that she is only an instrument through which the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus comes to us, but He tells us that we can approach Him directly by loving Him in the Eucharist. He wants to console and heal us, but first. He wants us to believe in Him, and then to come to Him. Do it. |
Romuald Abbot
St. Romuald, Abbot (c. 952-1027)
(c. 952-1027)
Lives of the Saints, by Alban Butler, Benziger Bros. ed. [1894]
Friday, 18 June 2010
Father Day 3rd Sun June
----- Forwarded Message ----From: father patrick ...Sent: Wed, 16 June, 2010 14:32:53Subject: A father's Day Prayer
A Father's Day Prayer
Let us praise those fathers
Let us praise those fathers
Let us praise those fathers
Let us praise those men
Let us praise those men
Let us praise those men
And let us praise those fathers