The Gift of Living in the Divine Will in the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta [Kindle Edition]
Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi (Author)
About Fr. Joe Father Joseph is a theologian and doctoral alumnus of the Gregorian Pontifical University of Rome
Talk 1 Trophy Club, Texas July 2014
from Tom Fedor
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Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi
Luisa Piccarreta
Book o Heaven
Vol 16
The Living in the Divine Volition Is Not an Individual Sanctity but Is As the Sun for the Universal Good: It Is the Greatest Miracle. So Is the Celestial Mamma, by Being the Queen of Sanctity of the Saints and the Mother and Carrier of the Divine Life to Everyone: She Is More Than the Tacit Sun.
20th August, 1923
I was thinking to myself: "My good Jesus says so many admirable things about his Will, and as how there is nothing more great, more high, more holy than the Soul that He calls to live in his Volition. If this is so, who can say how many admirable things I ought to be doing, how many sensational things even in the exterior. .. ; instead nothing that fascinates, that strikes, rather I feel myself the most abject and insignificant that does nothing of good, while the Saints how much good they did not do? Striking things, miracles... Yet He says that the living in his Volition leaves all the Saints behind."
Now while these and other thoughts passed in my mind, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior, and with his usual Light, said to me:
"My daughter, sanctity, when it is individual, in time and in place, has the need of the prodigious exterior, in order to attract those individuals, places and times, to receive that grace and good that sanctity contains. On the other hand, the sanctity of living in my Volition is not an individual sanctity, a sign to do good to those places, to those people and to those times but is sanctity that must do good to everyone, at all times and in all places. It is a sanctity that remains eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of my Volition; which, invading everyone, is light without word, is fire without wood, without noise, without smoke, but with that it does not cease to be the most majestic, the most beautiful, the most fecund. Its light most pure, its heat most intense of which true image is the sun that illuminates our horizon, illuminates everyone but without noise. It is light but it has no word, it does not say anything to anyone; the good that it does, the seeds that it fecundates, the life that it gives to all the plants, and how with its heat purifies the infected air and destroys what can harm all humanity; and it is so quiet that notwithstanding that all have it with them, they do not pay attention to it; but with that it does not cease to be majestic and beautiful and of continuing the good that it does to everyone. And if the sun would come to , everyone would cry over it, coming to liken the greatest miracle of fecundity and conservation of all nature.
"More than sun is the sanctity of living in my Volition. A soul upright and all ordered in my Will, is more than an army in battle. Its intelligence, its orders and bound with the Eternal Intelligence; its palpitations, affections, desires, are ordered with Eternal Bonds, such that its thoughts, its will and all of its interior are armies of messengers that depart from her and that fill Heaven and earth; they are speaking in voices, they are armies that defend everyone and "above all their God; they bring good to everyone; they are the true Celestial and Divine Militia that the Supreme Majesty has all reordered in himself, always prompt or always ready to carry out all his orders.
"Then there is the example of my Mamma, true sanctity of living in my Volition, all her interior eclipsed in the Eternal Sun of the Supreme Will. Having to be the Queen of Sanctity of the Saints, and Mother and Carrier of my Light to everyone, and therefore of all goods, She remained as hidden in everyone, bringing the good without making herself known. More than tacit sun, She carried the light without word, fire without noise, the good without being noticed. There is no good that does not depart from Her; and there is no miracle that does not spring from Her; living in my Volition, She lived hidden in everyone, and was and is origin of all goods.
"She was so enraptured in God, so fixed and ordered in the Divine Will, that all her interior swam in the sea of the Eternal Volition, She was acquainted with all the interior of all creatures and put hers there in order to reorder them before God. It was really the interior of man that had more need of being redone, reordered more than the exterior and having to do the more it seems that She left out the lesser, while She was the origin of the exterior and of the interior goods; yet apparently She seemed that She did not do great and sensational works. She more than sun passed unobserved and hidden in the cloud of light from the Divine Will, so much that the very Saints have given of themselves apparently doing more striking things than my own Mamma. Yet, what are the greatest Saints before my Celestial Mamma? They are scarcely the little planets compared to the great sun and if they are illuminated the cause of it is the sun. But notwithstanding that She did not do sensational things, She did not seem even visibly of being majestic and beautiful, flying scarcely above the earth all intent upon the Eternal Volition that She was so much love and violence fascinated and enraptured in order to transport it from Heaven upon the earth and that the human family had so brutally exiled even into the Empyrean. And She, with her interior all ordered in the Divine Volition, did not give time to time; if She thought, if She palpitated, if She breathed, in all that She did were fascinating bonds in order to draw down the Eternal Word upon the earth. And in fact won and made the greatest miracle, that no one else can do.
"This is your duty, my daughter; to fascinate Me, to win Me so much with your interior all reordered in the Supreme Will, as to transport it from Heaven upon the earth, so that It be known and have life as in Heaven, so on earth. Of all the rest, do not give it a thought; who must do the more it is not necessary that they do the less, rather she is given the field and that the others do the less, in order to give work to everyone. I know how much is necessary the time, the place, the person and when I must make known even external prodigies, my works most grand. You continue always your flight in my Volition, filling Heaven and earth as to fascinate Me so much as to not be able to resist to do the greatest miracle that my Will reign in the midst of creatures. "
It Is Not Sufficient to Possess the Divine Will; It Is Also Necessary to Guard It, to Cultivate It and Enlarge It in Us.
28th August, 1923
I felt myself greatly afflicted for the privation of my sweet Jesus; for how much I called him and prayed Him, He did not do me the kindness of returning to his little exiled one here below. Ah, how harsh is my exile! My poor heart agonizes for the pain that it feels because He that forms its life was distant from me. But while I sighed for his return, the Confessor came,and Jesus really then, after so much waiting, moved in my interior, squeezed me tightly to his Heart and He made himself seen.
And I to Him: "My Jesus, could You have not come earlier? Now I must obey; if it pleases You, You will come when I receive You in the Most Holy Sacrament; then we will be alone once again, and we will be free to be together. "
And Jesus with a dignified and indifferent appearance said to me: "My daughter, do you want to destroy the order of my Wisdom and take away that hour from my Church?" And while He said that, He let me take part in his pams.
And so after that I said to Him: "But tell me, my Love, why do You not come? I have been waiting so long for You, almost as to lose hope of your return and my poor heart for the pain struggles between life and death."
And Jesus, all goodness: "My daughter, Heaven put in you the ownership of my Volition, I want that It not only be possessed by you but that you know well how to conserve It, to cultivate and enlarge It in a manner of multiplying It; thus the pains, the mortifications, the vigilance, the patience and even my very privations will serve to enlarge and guard the confines of
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