Sunday 7 October 2012

RESPONSE 2 The Angel of Fatima and the Eucharist - Part III - Union With God

Thank you, William,
Opens up a new vista to annunciations of Angel to Our Lady at Fatima.
The Fatima PRAYERS are familiar and popular but this is forgotten Angelic context.
Saint Gabriel was there before, in the Annunciation, who are we to name the Angel at Fatima?

Dear Father Donald,
Following your inspiration, I found the following article on
Indeed there is deep mystery revealed in this Third Visit.
 Thank you for your inspiration!


The Angel of Fatima and the Eucharist - Part III - Union With God

The Third Visit:The Eucharist & The "Most Holy Trinity"

The Blessed Sacrament is the key to the third visit of the Angel. Once again he appeared to the children while they were out in the hills busy tending their sheep. Still, they had found time to say their rosary and recite the Angel's prayer. What more could he have to tell them? He had already taught them how to pray and express their love in sacrifice. They had been most generous in their prayers and many sacrifices. But who can exceed God in generosity? Everything God both gives and takes from us in this life is ordered to that perfect gift of Himself, which we first savor in the Blessed Sacrament. So let us focus upon the Lord's invitation to perfect union with Himself in the Eucharist through the ministry of the Angel.

When the Angel appeared to them at the Loca do Cabeço he was "holding a chalice in his hands, with a host above it from which some drops of blood were falling into the Sacred vessel." The Angel left the chalice and host suspended in the air, and prostrated himself upon the ground with the children and prayed the following prayer with them three times:
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference with which He Himself is offended. And through the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of You the conversion of poor sinners. Amen.
The Angel then rose, and taking the host he gave it to Lucy, and to Jacinta and Francisco he gave the contents of the chalice, saying as he did so: "Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God." Then he prostrated himself once more with the children and repeated the prayer to the Most Holy Trinity three times, then disappeared.

Just as the first prayer, "My God I believe" summarizes the whole of the law and the prophets in as much as it gives us in prayer form the perfect expression of the love of God and neighbor, so does this new prayer, "Most Holy Trinity" resume for us the complete revelation of the New Testament. This consists in the revelation of the Most Blessed Trinity and God's plan for redemption of mankind through the crucifixion and death of the Son of God made Man. His death is made daily present to us anew in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in Holy Communion. The Blessed Mother, His and ours, is the mediatrix of all graces. These two prayers, then, sum up the essential doctrine of the Old and the New Testament; they are essentially biblical in content.

At Fatima God taught us to have great respect and devotion for the Eucharist. Above, the Angel of Fatima adores the Most Blessed Sacrament. He taught the children to do the same, especially before receiving Holy Communion. This lesson of adoration of the Eucharistic Jesus before Communion was recently re-affirmed by Pope Paul VI's Encyclical "The Mystery of Faith".


Thanks, Anne Marie   

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Anne Marie ...
To: Fr Donald ...
Sent: Saturda>y, 6 October 2012, 22:31
Subject: Re: [Dom Donald's Blog] FATIMA Angel and Eucharist is a great source of information. I have never seen statues like that before of the children.

Sent from my iPad

On 6 Oct 2012, at 20:51, Fr Donald <> wrote:


1. The Message in General
Message that is often overlooked. The Angel demonstrated to the children ...the childrenthe Angel gave them Holy Communion, and ... three childrenknelt to receive Communion; and

Th Fatima Network:
The Message in General
        The general Message of Fatima is not complicated. Its requests are for prayer, reparation, repentance, and sacrifice, and the abandonment of sin. Before Our Lady appeared to the three shepherd children, Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta, the Angel of Peace visited them. The Angel prepared the children to receive the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his instructions are an important aspect of the Message that is often overlooked.
       The Angel demonstrated to the children the fervent, attentive, and composed manner in which we should all pray, and the reverence we should show toward God in prayer. He also explained to them the great importance of praying and making sacrifices in reparation for the offenses committed against God. He told them: "Make of everything you can a sacrifice and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication, for the conversion of sinners." In his third and final apparition to the children, the Angel gave them Holy Communion, and demonstrated the proper way to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist: all three children knelt to receive Communion; and Lucy was given the Sacred Host on the tongue and the Angel shared the Blood of the Chalice between Francisco and Jacinta.

Google Search:
The Angel demonstrated to the children, gave them Holy Communion
About 568,000 results (0.49 seconds)

Saturday 6 October 2012

FATIMA Angel and Eucharist

Looking for the story of the Fatima children and the Angel and the Eucharist.
Please enlighten or revive my memory from Fatima popular prayer and pilgrimages.
These statuettes, long in Oratory, and the recent Memorials of Angels prompt our interest.
Thank you. 

Saint Bruno Carthusian Constitutions

Night Office Reading
St. Bruno - Vatican
ST. BRUNO. October 6th.
Born at Cologne about the year 1035. After being educated at Paris and ordained priest, he taught theology; subsequently he became Chancellor of the diocese of Rheims. He aspired to the solitary life and visited St. Robert and the hermits of Colon, but not finding what he wanted with them he pressed on to Grenoble where he was received by Hugh its Bishop. Bruno built a tiny chapel and a few huts in a remote corner of his diocese. This became known as 'Chartreuse' which means a small isolated hut or cottage. In 1090 Bruno was summoned to Rome by Pope Urban II to assist in the Gregorian Reform and attend the Council of Benevento in 1091. After being released from the Pope's service he spent the rest of his life at La Torre in Calabria where he built a, monastery similar to La Grande Chartreuse. He died in 1101. He was never formally canonised and it was not until 1514 that his Order obtained permission to keep his feast.
The following are quotations from
the Carthusian Constitutions published in 1971
'Our principle endeavour and goal is to devote ourselves to the silence and solitude of the cell. This is holy ground, a place where the Lord and his servant often speak together, as a man to his friend, there is the bride made one with her spouse, there is earth joined to heaven, the divine to the human.' (Para 1)
'Let the monk make a practice of resorting to a tranquil listening of the heart, that allows God to enter through all its doors and passages' (Para 2)
'The fruit that silence brings is known to him who has experienced it. In the early stages of our Carthusian life we may find silence a burden; however if we are faithful, there will gradually be born within us, springing from that very silence, something which will draw us to still greater silence.' (Par-a 3)
The Election of the Prior.
'A vote is taken to see whether the community wishes to elect a new Prior or have a Prior appointed by the Prior General. If' no one is elected, with an absolute majority

after four ballots the Prior General nominates one.' (Para 4)
The Prior should offer an example of peaceful repose, stability, solitude, and of all the other observances of the life.' (Para 4.)
'If someone comes to his cell, let him receive him with all love, and always give a willing hearing to each one.' (Para 4)
'Before making an appointment to an obedience he should consult others, especially those who have been more closely associated with the person he propose to appoint. He should willingly allow the candidate himself also to speak his mind, before anything is finally decided. (Para 13)
The Prior should not act as if good external order were his: sole concern, but rather by his docility to the Spirit, he should mirror to all the love of Christ. For the peace and concord of the house depend in great measure on the Prior and his officers being in full accord and of one mind.' (Para 15)
"        'When the Prior seeks counsel, he does not give any
inclination of his own leaning, so that each may be able to say freely what he thinks.' (Para 2 Bk. 5)
'Let the sick realise, that just as healthy monks differ from healthy lay folk, so too, sick monks should differ from sick lay folk' (Para 3)
' ... the continuing quality of our life will depend more on the fidelity of each individual member than on the multiplication of laws or the updating of customs, or even of the zeal of the Prior' (Para 3)
These extracts were taken from a copy of the Constitutions donated by Dom Bernard, Prior of Parkminster and given to a monk of Portglenone.

Friday 5 October 2012

Saint Faustina - Divine Mercy prayer

Saint of the day: 5th October

Saint Faustina  
Mystic. Foundress of the Divine Mercy movement. Saint Faustina was born Helen Kowalska in the village of Glogowiec, Lodz Province in Poland on August 25, 1905. After hearing the Lord's calling from the age of seven she was accepted into the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy as Sister Mary Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament, in Warsaw on 1 August, 1925.

In 1928, she took her vows as a nun, and died just ten years later. She was beatified in 1993 and canonised on April 30, 2000 - the first saint of the New Millennium..

St Faustina experienced a vision in 1931, in which she saw Jesus clad in a white garment with His right hand raised in blessing. His left hand was touching his garment in the area of his heart, from where two large rays came forth, one red and one white. Jesus said: "Paint an image according to the pattern you see with the signature:- 'Jesus, I trust in You.' - I Promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish.'

After this experience St Faustina devised the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, based on the prayer she recalled from her vision:

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, 
Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, 
our Lord Jesus Christ, 
in atonement for my sins and for those of the entire world. 
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.

There are now many paintings of this vision and the daily devotion to Divine Mercy takes place in churches around the world at 3pm

Saint Faustina's congregation, the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy look after the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki, Poland. In the United States, the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy opened their first house outside Poland in Boston in 1988. There is also the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Eden Hill, Massachusetts, run by the Marians of the Immaculate Conception.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Flower of Love by Charles J.M.and Memorial of Bl. Columba Marmion

Charles was on Retreat at Nunraw Guesthous, as on other occasions. Over the years suffered hindicaps and succeed much During the times he always composed poems centred in the Divine Mercy.
He kindly gives us acopy of the card of "The Flower of Love" (see below.) and copies of his Collection.of verses.

Daved Lindsley Our Savor
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nivard - - - 
To: Donald - - -
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 10:32
Subject: The Flower of Love

Glorious Morning ..., Donald asked me to type this for him. Quite a compliment for my touch typing. Mind you the print was pretty small on the back of a holy picture. I had to use a magnifying glass to differentiate the commas and full stops!! I discovered it was all commas and no full stop at the end!
Love and Blessings. 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 10:32
Subject: The Flower of Love

 The Flower of Love
May you blossom with the flower of love,
Created in the image of God above,
There is no beauty that can compare.
This love of God that we’re asked to share,
And through his grace is everywhere,
So to the world let Christ speak,
For love does not differ from great
to weak,
My Lord we through grace,
In Christian hope will look upon
Loves own face,
Made in your image this love forever
Into our souls yield,
Against our foes please let it be our
eternal shield,
So my children, Christ love does extend,
That we to Heaven, will live in love
That will never end,
Yes this beautiful flower we must treasure
And protect,
Against our weakness and neglect
For the trinity gives us with souls
The way the life this precious tool,
   And his love this flower, please don’t
Reject love and be a fool,
Flower shining like the sun
And whiter than snow
God’s word makes loves flower grow.

Blessed Columba Marmion, OSB

Daily Gospel. Reflection, Wednesday, October 3, 2012

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Nivard - - -
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 16:43
Subject: 26 Wed - Marmion

 Scrip Read and Med. Don Schwager Adapted,
26 Wed 3 October 12: Luke 9:57-62
"Fit for the kingdom of God"
   The gospel does not record the response from these three would-be disciples. Jesus asks us as well.  Are we ready to take the path Jesus offers? His grace is sufficient and his love is strong.
   There is nothing greater we can do with our lives than to place them at the service of the Lord, our Maker and Master of the universe.
   The Lord Jesus offers us a kingdom of lasting peace, unending joy, surpassing love, enduring friendship, and abundant life. Bl Columba Marmion is a perfect model of all this.
"Heavenly Father, take and receive my memory, my understanding, and my whole will. Give me only your love and your grace, through Christ Jesus our Lord"
Ps. This is a solid rock foundation for God's Kingdom and for each soul.
      Two more solid rock foundations:         
       See: St Therese commentary on 1 Cor. 13. and
               Blessed Columba Marmion and his Spiritual Message by Mark Tierney OSB
Abel at Gospel Today, 365 Days with the Lord Jesus - 23 hours ago
Job 9:1-12, 14-16, 1st Reading Psalm 68 Luke 9:57-62 Call to Worship Song Sing to the Mountains Entrance Antiphon O Lord, you had just cause to judge men as you did: because we sinned against you and disobeyed your will. But now show us your greatness of heart, and treat us with your unbounded kindness. (Daniel 3:31, 29, 30, 43, 42).
April 1, 1858

Dublin, Ireland
January 30, 1923

Maredsous Abbey, Belgium
Honored inBelgium (Maredsous)
BeatifiedSeptember 3, 2000, by Pope John Paul II
FeastOctober 3

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Guardian Angels by St. Bernard

The picture is the cover of the celebration of the Angels

In the Night Office we listened to St. Bernard on the Guardian Angels.  

An addled brain cannot measure up to Bernard but the symphony of the music of his language, Latin or English, carries the mind and heart to his love. 
ReadingA sermon by St Bernard
That they might guard you in all your ways

He has given his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. Let them thank the Lord for his mercy; his wonderful works are for the children of men. Let them give thanks and say among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. O Lord, what is man that you have made yourself known to him, or why do you incline your heart to him? And you do incline your heart to him; you show him your care and your concern. Finally, you send your only Son and the grace of your Spirit, and promise him a vision of your countenance. And so, that nothing in heaven should be wanting in your concern for us, you send those blessed spirits to serve us, assigning them as our guardians and our teachers.
  He has given his angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. These words should fill you with respect, inspire devotion and instil confidence; respect for the presence of angels, devotion because of their loving service, and confidence because of their protection. And so the angels are here; they are at your side, they are with you, present on your behalf. They are here to protect you and to serve you. But even if it is God who has given them this charge, we must nonetheless be grateful to them for the great love with which they obey and come to help us in our great need.
  So let us be devoted and grateful to such great protectors; let us return their love and honour them as much as we can and should. Yet all our love and honour must go to him, for it is from him that they receive all that makes them worthy of our love and respect.
  We should then, my brothers, show our affection for the angels, for one day they will be our co-heirs just as here below they are our guardians and trustees appointed and set over us by the Father. We are God’s children although it does not seem so, because we are still but small children under guardians and trustees, and for the present little better than slaves.
  Even though we are children and have a long, a very long and dangerous way to go, with such protectors what have we to fear? They who keep us in all our ways cannot be overpowered or led astray, much less lead us astray. They are loyal, prudent, powerful. Why then are we afraid? We have only to follow them, stay close to them, and we shall dwell under the protection of God’s heaven.
He has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways; they shall bear you upon their hands lest you strike your foot against a stone.
Upon you no evil shall fall, no plague approach where you dwell; they shall bear you upon their hands lest you strike your foot against a stone.

Let us pray.
Lord God,
  in your all-wise providence you send angels to guard and protect us.
Surround us with their watchful care on earth,
  and give us the joy of their company for ever in heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
  who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
  one God, for ever and ever.

Let us bless the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

Monday 1 October 2012

Month of the Holy Rosary

Month of the Holy Rosary : Radyo Veritas 846
4 hours ago – The month of October (Overview – Calendar) is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. According to an account by fifteenth-century Dominican, Alan de ...
[460.000.000 results Google].

  • Ministers of the Gospel. That bishops, priests, and all ministers of the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord.
  • Pilgrim Church. That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations.

October, 2012 - Overview for the Month
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The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. The Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7. October falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical color green.
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of October 2012
General: That bishops, priests, and all ministers of the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord.
Missionary: That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations. (See
Feasts for October
The feasts on the General Roman Calendar celebrated during the month of October are:
Focus of the Liturgy
All the Gospels for the Sundays in October 2012 are taken from Year B, Cycle 2, the Gospel of St. Mark.
October 7th - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Pharisees approach Jesus about divorce in this Gospel.
October 14th - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel tells the story of the rich young man who could not part with his possessions.
October 21st - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus said that He did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
October 28th - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Gospel recounts the story of Bartemeus, the blind man, who Jesus cured.
Highlights of the Month

Sunday 30 September 2012

HE AND I " If only you spoke to Me as often as the blackbird you hear singing from four o'clock in the morning to ten in the evening without a break."

This picture found in the leaves of a Jerusalem Bible used in the Oratory of the monks.

 HE AND i -Gabrielle B. 1946
July 5 -  He came.
 "Why should you doubt? You were deeply stirred when you saw Me there on your little table. My loving-kindness could go as far as that. Has anyone ever measured the goodness of God?
Won’t you praise this goodness by trying to imitate it? Draw power from it often and ever so simply. If only you spoke to Me as often as the blackbird you hear singing from four o'clock in the morning to ten in the evening without a break. Sometimes he warbles sotto voce, but his pure voice never ceases to rise. And he's only a bird... And little children prattle constantly to their parents, don't they? - without any reason, just for the pleasure of feeling near them.
You, child, shouldn't you speak unceasingly to My loving-kindness, if only to be close to it. It would enrich you more than you ever suspect. Talk to it just for the pleasure of greeting it. Never mind if you don't have a reason. Ask Me to make My loving-kindness known to others through you. O don't lose a single opportunity of being the representative of God's goodness, even if it be only by a gesture. Think about this. Ask Me to help you to think about it; ask Me very simply, your lips to My ear."

Daily Gospel &amp; Reflection, Monday, October 1. 2012

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Job 1:16-22, 1st Reading Psalm 17 Luke 9:46-50 Call to Worship Song The Servant Song Entrance Antiphon The Lord nurtured and taught her; he guarded her as the apple of his eye. As the eagle spreads its wings to carry its young, he bore her on his shoulders. The Lord alone was her teacher. (Deuteronomy 30: