Friday 3 April 2015

Adrienne von Speyr Holy Saturday experience Mystic

Easter Triduum
 - Saturday 4 April 2015  
      File:Adrienne von Speyr 2.jpg  Adrienne von Speyr (20 September 1902 - 17 September 1967)
was a Swiss Catholic medical doctor, the author of over 60 books of spirituality and theology, and a mystic and


Dom Donald's Blog: Holy Saturday and Adrienne von Speyr:    V on Speyr's life of grace by Regis Martin The world's greatest living theo...

Friday, 6 April 2012

Holy Saturday and Adrienne von Speyr 

Von Speyr's life of grace
by Regis Martin

The world's greatest living theologian came to Rome a few months ago to help honor the memory and work of a remarkable woman and mystic. Her life, he said, decisively shaped all that he had written or experienced in more than 40 years.

Hans Urs von Baithasar, Swiss theologian of towering erudition, originality, faith and loyalty to the Church, addressed scholars and students from across Europe and the Americas who were attending a conference at Rome's Pontifical Lateran University on the life and thought ofAdrienne von Speyr.

Presented in terms of her "ecclesial mission", the conference attempted to show the immensity of von Speyr's gifts and service to the life of the universal Church. Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger interrupted their own busy schedules to offer powerful and prayerful witness to the character and achievement of this truly extraordinary woman. Yet it can fairly be said that most of the Catholic world knows nothing at all about her.

Who was Adrienne von Speyr and what were the singular graces of her life - graces which, some 18 years after her death in 1967, would move three of the most commanding churchmen of this century to
peak so ardently, so authoritatively, of her legacy?

Born in Switzerland in 1902, amid the loftiest peaks on earth, it became an appropriate setting for someone destined to scale the very horizons of God. And depths, too, into which she would mysteriously fall out of an obedience freely given to Him. Depths which were to plunge her all the way down into hell, there to enact the full measure of our Lord's own dark descent which the Church calls the Mystery of Holy Saturday.

Hers was an endurance which God asked of her from the very beginning. Following her conversion in 1940 at the hands of von Balthasar (while she had no prior knowledge of Catholicism, the outline of it all, he said, was "hollowed out in her like the interior of a mold"), there commenced a lifetime's succession of "passions," culminating in the experience of Christ's own suffering on the cross.

"It is," commented von Balthasar, who was present at these missions. "Christ's final act of obedience toward His Father that He descends intohell." the place into which all the world's sin is finally cast. "In hell He encounters His own work of salvation, nor in Easter triumph, but in the uttermost night of obedience, truly the obedience of a corpse.

"He encounters the horror of sin separated from men. He walks through sin and, traversing its formlessness, He experiences the second chaos. While bereft of any spiritual light emanating from the Father, in sheer obedience, He must seek the Father where He cannot find Him under any circumstances."

And such, in vicarious ways, is precisely the harrowing which von Speyr underwent as a result of giving her consent to whatever God might wish of her; a grace, charism and mission which stands at the very center of her mystical life and of its incomparable importance to the Church.

For here is the deepest and most intimate participation in the Lord's own oblation to the Father, His mysterious self-emptying on behalf of the world and the terrible weight of its sin which he redeemed from within.

"What Adrienne experienced, von Baithasar said, 'is actually more horrible than the hell depicted for us by medieval imagination; it is the knowledge of having lost God forever.... ." So utterly real was it, he added, that for anyone blithely to dismiss the existence of hell would be, atonce, both "ridiculous
and blasphemous."

At the heart of her spirituality, the pulsating principle throughout the body of her life, is an attitude of complete transparence before God, of total effacement of self. One must acquire an attitude of obedient letting-it-happen-to-oneself for God. Her mission, therefore, consisted of "continual and complete movement away from oneself, in self-forgetfulness and virginal readiness for the word of God. It is a life, concluded von Balthasar, of "totally childlike existence in God and for God".

Always strive, she would exhort the members of the lay community which she and von Balthasar founded in 1945, to achieve that perfection of "being available" for God, of doing whatever He asks
of us to help advance the glory of the Father.

Her last years, while marked by increased suffering ("Her body, wrote von Balthasar, "was like an organ on which all, and in fact constantly new and unsuspected, stops of suffering had been
pulled out"), saw no abatement of that will, that deep disposition of soul to always avail oneself of His grace. Near the end, knowing it was the end, she exclaimed, "How beautiful it is to die!" For, then, of course, God himself lay ahead, alone in the flesh to await her.

How very different the landscape of the Church might be today if, 20 years ago, publishers in this country had made available to us the works of von Speyr (and von Balthasar too). How fortunate
we are that they are available now.

Regis Martin was studying at the Angelicum in Rome at the time and is currently lecturing at the Franciscan University at Steubenville, Ohio. Many of the works of Adrienne von Speyr and Hans Urs von Balthasar) are available from Ignatius Press /PO. Box 18990, San Francisco, Calif 94118).

December 29, 1985
Writings by Adrienne Von Speyr

+ + + + + + + +

Ratzinger on Christ’s Descent into Hell 

 Christ's Descent into Hell by Maulleigh.

Many WD readers will recall the theological skirmish which oncetwice, and thrice erupted on the pages of First Things two and a half years ago.  The warring parties were Alyssa Lyra Pitstick and Fr. Edward T. Oakes, S.J.  The point in question was Hans Urs von Balthasar’s controversial Holy Saturday theology, wherein he argues that Christ’s descent into hell was a passive, i.e., suffering, descent.  The traditional Holy Saturday motif is of the triumphant Christ descending in glory. 
Pitstick argued that it is “undeniable that [Balthasar’s] theology of Christ’s descent entails a de facto, and sometimes even conscious, rejection of Catholic tradition.”  Oakes defended Balthasar’s orthodoxy, proposing that Pitstick’s “real service has been to argue against Balthasar so disagreeably that she will end up midwifing his theology into the mainstream of Church thinking.”
As this debate spilled over into the Catholic blogosphere, more than enough words were spent discussing Balthasar’s theology of Christ’s descent.  I will not add any more.  Instead, I would like to consider another prominent contemporary theologian’s take on Christ’s descent into hell.  That theologian would be Joseph Ratzinger.
Two of Ratzinger’s early works seem to support the Balthasarian position of a suffering descent.  In Introduction to Christianity, the key which Ratzinger employs to unlock the mystery of the creedal statement “He descended into hell” is Jesus’ death-cry of abandonment on the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Ratzinger goes so far as to say that “Jesus’ cry on the cross” contains “the heart of what Jesus’ descent into hell . . . really means” (298).
While this aligning of Christ’s descent into hell with the death-cry from the Cross seems to suggest that Christ suffered in hell, nowhere in Introduction to Christianity does Ratzinger explicitly say that Christ suffered in hell.  In the book Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life, however, he does.  There the future pope uses a Buddhist image and speaks of Christ as the “true Boddhisattva” who unlike the other Boddhisattvas not only waits to enter heaven as long as one person is in hell, but goes further as “Christ descends into Hell and suffers it in all its emptiness” (216).
However, to those who now want to run off and exclaim that the Pope endorses Balthasar’s Holy Saturday theology, we must say, hold on one second.  Ratzinger also has spoken on Christ’s descent into hell since becoming pope.  These comments suggest a different position.  In his 2007 Easter Vigil homily, the Pope preached:
Let us return once more to the night of Holy Saturday. In the Creed we say about Christ’s journey that he “descended into hell.” What happened then? Since we have no knowledge of the world of death, we can only imagine his triumph over death with the help of images which remain very inadequate. Yet, inadequate as they are, they can help us to understand something of the mystery. The liturgy applies to Jesus’ descent into the night of death the words of Psalm 23[24]: “Lift up your heads, O gates; be lifted up, O ancient doors!” The gates of death are closed, no one can return from there. There is no key for those iron doors. But Christ has the key. His Cross opens wide the gates of death, the stern doors. They are barred no longer. His Cross, his radical love, is the key that opens them. The love of the One who, though God, became man in order to die – this love has the power to open those doors. This love is stronger than death. The Easter icons of the Oriental Church show how Christ enters the world of the dead. He is clothed with light, for God is light. “The night is bright as the day, the darkness is as light” (cf. Ps 138[139]12).
Here we see Pope asking the same question he did forty years earlier as a young theology professor – how to interpret Christ’s descent into hell – and sketching a markedly different answer.  Gone is the association of the descent with the death-cry.  Now it is interpreted through the images of glory and light.  Here the Pope seems to endorse the traditional motif rather than the Balthasarian position.
So what conclusions might we draw?  It is difficult to say.  One possibility is that Ratzinger’s position has changed over the decades.  Or as a second option we might try to make an argument showing that Ratzinger’s position regarding Christ’s descent as exhibited in Introduction to Christianity and Eschatology is not in contradiction with the 2007 Easter Vigil homily – in other words, that the positions can be reconciled.  A third option is that Pope Benedict knows and lives within the demands of his office:  Whereas it is fitting for a theologian to explore innovative interpretations of dogma, it is hardly appropriate for a pope to do so.  While Ratzinger as a private theologian may have some sympathy for the Balthasarian position, he knows that it would not be right, at this moment, to endorse such a position as pope.
While I tend toward a combination of the second and third options, I cannot pretend to know with much certainty what Pope Benedict thinks about Christ’s descent into hell.  I do know, however, that were I ever given the chance to ask a few theological questions of the Holy Father, that of Christ’s descent would be among the first on my list.
© Vincent L. Strand and Whosoever Desires, 2009.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Holy (Maundy) Thursday. Gospel - John 13:1-15.

Maundy Thursday
Last Supper  
  Let me see  if a picture of our Chapel of Repose
Chapel of Repose off Cloister  

   Holy Thursday Gospel - April 2, 2015
    When we bring bread and wine to the altar, they are not merely bread and wine. They are symbols of all the fruits of the earth and all the work of human hands. So, there is a close link between our service and the Eucharist we celebrate in the liturgy.When we bring bread and wine to the altar, they are not merely bread and wine. They are symbols of all the fruits of the earth and all the work of human hands. So, there is a close link between our service and the Eucharist we celebrate in the liturgy.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Peter and John at Resurrection morning. William Comments

Eugene Burnand (1850 - 1921) 

Thank you William for the Email below.  
"it was the work of the Master's own hands" - the chin band by Ronald Knox.
Puzzles here: check with the Ian Wilson 'Shroud of Turin', exegesis, spiritual  devotional writers, different mystics/
Fr. Raymond's Monday Mass of Holy Week quoted St. Bernard, "No day should pass without a thought or prayer of Passion of Christ".
Happily my Lenten Book is on 'Hours of the  of the Passion' (Luisa Piccarreta).

Equally Holy Week has to be very practical for the Sacristy and in the Liturgy - not least tomorrow, for the Thursday, washing of the Feet, Last Supper, Blessed Sacrament Procession on the cloister to the Chapel of Repose.
... yours,

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: William ....
To: Donald...
Sent: Saturday, 28 March 2015, 16:51
Subject: Re: Palm Sunday posting  
Dear Father Donald, ....
I hope you may have received my Easter card with its intense-emotion picture of Peter and John on Easter morning. If I may explain, my reflection takes me into ‘their moment’, where there has been only tragedy, and then the extraordinary claim of Mary Magdalene. Would I not have run with them to witness the scene, with all of their anticipation and expectation? That is from where my meditation arises. We have the ‘benefit of hindsight’, of knowledge of the Resurrection, but on that morning… Through that extraordinary painting I have been caught up in their emotion.
I sigh for Easter morning, but know that I must first go through this distressing time. The Scripture takes us there, but strangely consoles us as we thus share in Jesus' Passion.
With my love in Our Lord,

[Comparative ART of "The Disciples"  Eugene Burnand (1850 - 1921)]   
The problem with most depictions of the Resurrection is that they are too literal, if you can say that about something so without precedent – Christ often ‘floating’, the empty tomb, angels etc.  Perugino did several, Bellini (see this on the excellent Idle Speculations blog), and probably themost famous of them all, by Piero della Francesca, Huxley’s ‘greatest picture in the world’ .Eugene Burnand was a French-based Swiss painter, linked to the Realist school of the time.
Hence when you look at the above painting, he’s got the faces just right. Something is happening which will change everything, forever.

 Knox Bible verse
John 20:7
Simon Peter, coming up After him, went into the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there, and also the veil which had been put over Jesus’ head, not lying  with the linen cloths, but still wrapped round and round in a place by itself. (Diary of Jesus, Jean Aulagnier used translation quotation Mgr. Knox).

“The Glorification” is the title to the seventh and last part of The Poem of the God Man by Maria Valtorta.

The Gospel Story, Ronald Knox & Ronald Cox pp.   
Peter, John and Mary Magdalen
And while they were on their way, Peter and the other disciple both set out, and made their way to the tomb; they began running side by side, but the other disciple outran Peter, and reached the tomb first. He looked in and saw the linen sheet lying there, but he did not go in. Simon Peter, coming up after him, went into the tomb and saw the linen sheet lying there, and also the chinband which had been on 'Jesus' head, not lying with the linen sheet, but folded up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and saw this, and learned to believe. They had not yet mastered what was written of\him, that he was to rise from the dead.. Narrative p.410

Peter and John were together somewhere, probably at the Cenacle; they were alarmed at Mary's breathless news. Although our Lord had told them he would rise from the dead (pp. 170, 176, 290,352), they were thinking of him 'dead and buried'; and now the Jews had gone to the unbelievable lengths of profaning his dead body. Their apprehension increased as the three women ran past them, too terrified to speak. Had they found the Master's body, cast out of the tomb, and perhaps mutilated by his enemies? In his eagerness, spurred on by the urgency of the situation, John runs ahead; relieved at seeing the grave cloths intact, he waits for Peter, and together they go into the tomb. The linen sheet lay there on the bench, undisturbed. If anyone had taken the body, they would have carried it in the shroud; or, if they had left the shroud, it would be disarranged, and probably thrown on the floor. But the chin band was the most convi­ncing piece of evidence; it was neatly folded up on the bench. No robber would have done that; it was the work of the Master's own hands. These facts convinced both Peter and John; the latter (it is a scene found only in St. John's Gospel) confesses that the apostles should have known of Jesus' resurrection, even with­out this evidence; it was foretold in the scriptures (p. 434), Explanations p. 411/p.413

Tuesday 31 March 2015

500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila, Pope: St Teresa of Avila is primarily a teacher of prayer - Independent Catholic News

             Pope: St Teresa of Avila is primarily a teacher of prayer - Independent Catholic News         

Pope: St Teresa of Avila is primarily a teacher of prayer
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Earliest known portrait 1576
Pope Francis issued the following letter to the Superior General of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, Fr Xavier Cannistrà, to mark the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Avila on Saturday.

Dear Brother, On the 500th anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Jesus, I wish, together with the whole Church, to give thanks to the great family of Discalced Carmelites--religious men and women and secular members--for the charism of this remarkable woman. I consider it a providential grace that this anniversary coincides with the Year of Consecrated Life, in which the saint of Avila shines as a sure and attractive model of total self-giving to God. It is one more reason to look to the past with gratitude and to rediscover "the inspiring spark" that gave impetus to the founders and to the first communities (cf. Letter to all consecrated people, 21 November 2014).

How much goodness does the testimony of her consecration - born directly from the encounter with Christ, her experience of prayer as continuous dialogue with God, and her community life, rooted in the motherhood of the Church - do for us!

1. St Teresa is primarily a teacher of prayer. The discovery of Christ's humanity was central to her experience. Moved by the desire to share this personal experience with others, she describes it in a vivid and simple way, accessible to everyone, because it consists simply in "a relationship of friendship ... with he who we know loves us" (Life, 8, 5 ).

Many times this same narrative becomes prayer, as if she had wanted to introduce the reader into her interior dialogue with Christ.

Teresa's prayer was not reserved only to one space or to one time of day; it arose spontaneously in the most diverse occasions: "It would be extremely difficult if you could only pray in secluded places" (Foundations, 5, 16).

She was convinced of the value of continuous prayer, even if it was not always perfect. The saint asks us to be steadfast, faithful, even in times of dryness, personal difficulties or urgent needs that call us. Teresa left us a great treasure to renew consecrated life today, full of concrete proposals, ways and methods to pray, that, far from closing us in on ourselves or leading us only to inner balance, always make us start again from Jesus and constitute a genuine school to grow in love for God and neighbour.

2. Since her encounter with Jesus, St Teresa lived "another life"; she become a tireless communicator of the Gospel (cf. Life, 23, 1). Eager to serve the Church, and in the face of serious problems of her time, she did not limit herself to being a spectator of the reality around her. In her position as a woman and with her health difficulties, she decided, she said, "to do what little depended on me ... that is to follow the evangelical counsels as perfectly as possible and to ensure that these few nuns who are here do the same" (The Way, 1, 2).

Thus began the Teresian reform, in which she asked her sisters not to lose time negotiating with God "interests of little importance," while "the world is in flames" (ibid., 1, 5). This missionary and ecclesial dimension has always marked the Carmelites and Discalced Carmelites. As she did then, even today the saint opens new horizons for us, she calls us to a great undertaking, to see the world with the eyes of Christ, to seek what He seeks and to love what He loves.

3. St Teresa knew that neither prayer nor mission can be sustained without authentic community life. Therefore, the foundation that she laid in her monasteries was fraternity: "Here everyone must love one another, care for each other and help one another" (ibid., 4, 7).

And she was very careful to warn her sisters about the danger of individualism in fraternal life, which consists "all or almost all in the denial of ourselves and of our own comforts" (ibid., 12, 2) and to place ourselves at the service of others. To avoid this risk, the saint of Avila recommended to her sisters, first of all, the virtue of humility, which is neither outward neglect nor inner shyness of the soul, but each knowing their own abilities and what God can do in us (cf. Relations, 28). The opposite is what she calls "false point of honour" (Life, 31, 23), a source of gossip, jealousy and criticism, which severely damage relationships with others. Teresian humility consists of self-acceptance, awareness of one's own dignity, missionary courage, gratitude and trust in God. With these noble roots, Teresian communities are called to become houses of communion, capable of witnessing to fraternal love and to the motherhood of the Church, presenting to the Lord the needs of the world, torn by divisions and wars.

Dear Brother, I do not want to end without thanking the Teresian Carmelite communities that entrust the Pope, with special tenderness, to the protection of the Virgin of Carmel, and accompany, with their prayers, the great trials and challenges of the Church. I ask the Lord that your witness of life, like that of St Teresa, allows the joy and beauty of living the Gospel to shine and attracts many young people to follow Christ closely. To the whole Teresian family, I warmly impart my Apostolic Blessing.

Source: VIS
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Pilgrimage to celebrate the 500th anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila's birth unveiled

Published on 13 Nov 2014
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Saint Teresa of Avila is one of the most influential women in the history of the Catholic Church. 


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Saturday 28 March 2015

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark 14:1-15:47. Liturgy Procession with Palms

Palm Sunday; Hosanna Sunday

We mark this Holy Week with solemn joy. Death is real. But this week we know that love is even more real.

Lent Stational Church
The Station at Rome is in the church of St. John Lateran which represents the Holy City Jerusalem which Christ and we, His disciples, have just entered. It is the first cathedral of Rome, where Emperor Constantine allowed the Pope to set up the episcopal chair after 312.
Liturgy for Palm Sunday
The priests and deacons wear red vestments for Mass. There is a special entrance at the beginning of each Mass, either simple or solemn. This includes a blessing of the palms and the gospel reading of the entrance into Jerusalem (Matt 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; John 12:12-16; Luke 19:28-40). The introduction by the priest explains the solemnity of Holy Week, and invites the faithful to take full part in the celebration:
Dear friends in Christ, for five weeks of Lent we have been preparing, by works of charity and self-sacrifice, for the celebration of our Lord's paschal mystery. Today we come together to begin this solemn celebration in union with the whole Church throughout the world. Christ entered in triumph into his own city, to complete his work as our Messiah: to suffer, to die, and to rise again. Let us remember with devotion this entry which began his saving work and follow him with a lively faith. United with him in his suffering on the cross, may we share his resurrection and new life.
The palms are blessed with the following prayer:
Almighty God, we pray you bless these branches and make them holy. Today we joyfully acclaim Jesus our Messiah and King. May we reach one day the happiness of the new and everlasting Jerusalem by faithfully following him who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
As the faithful, we remember and dramatize Christ's triumphal entrance into Jerusalem on a donkey. In Jesus' time, a huge crowd assembled, put their cloaks or branches on the ground, and waved palm branches, acclaiming Christ as the King of Israel, the Son of David. We now wave our palm branches and sing as the priest enters the church:
Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
These words of praise are echoed every day at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Sanctus (Holy, Holy).
Our joy is quickly subdued. We are jolted to reality and see the purpose of Christ coming to Jerusalem by the reading of the Passion at the Gospel. (Written by Jennifer Gregory Miller)

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Thursday 26 March 2015

The Annunciation of the Lord - Solemnity


Sermon in the Community Chapter
by Brother Barry.

 LIPPI FRA FILIPPO / Annunciation
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

          In Jesus, God recapitulates all of his history of salvation on behalf of men and the Annunciation heralds the beginning of our salvation.
         By Mary's obedient "Fiat," the earth has become heaven. "In Jesus, God has placed, in the midst of barren, despairing mankind,a new beginning which is not a product of human history but a gift from above" (Pope Benedict XVI).
         "Thus, giving her consent to God's word, Mary becomes the mother of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person and to the work of her Son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on him, by God's grace." 
                                                                                   (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
God our Father,
your Word became man and was born of the Virgin Mary.
May we become more like Jesus Christ,
whom we acknowledge as our redeemer, God and man.
We ask this through our Lourd Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
(Opening prayer)

                            Ecce Ancilla Domini                              
Nunraw Liturgy
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Ecce Ancilla Domini! ... the Vulgate text of the first chapter of the Gospel of Saint Luke, describing the Annunciation, where Mary accepts ...