From: Robert S. . .
To: Donald . . .
Sent: Saturday, 16 June 2012,
Subject: Travelling to Edinburgh
Dear Father Donald,
I was travelling to Edinburgh yesterday when I logged on to your blog, and saw the photographs of Brother Seamus.
Whilst passing the zoo the driver commented on the new Pandas that are causing excitement in Edinburgh.
I felt like shouting never mind the Pandas.
Nunraw has a new brother!
Hope u get some fun from this.
---- Forwarded Message -----
From: Anne Marie Milwain . .
To: Fr Donald . . .
Sent: Monday, 11 June 2012,
Subject: Re: [Dom Donald's Blog] Novice Habit - Abbot's talk on the Reception Br. Seamus
Dear Anne Marie
That is wonderful that you have a new novice.
Great news
Anne Marie
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