painted the ICON of Our Lady of the Atlas 7 on the occasion of our 50th Anniversary of Nunraw.
Now she has been requested to send some copies of the small Prayer Card to France.
I have been able to send some out of the precious few remaining reproductions for devotees of the Seven Monks martyred in Algeria, but I pointed out that the English version is not going to be so useful to French speakers. Perhaps someone will DO a translation. See
copy of the Icon and the Text.
On 21st May 1996 seven monks of the Cistercian-Trappist monastery of Our Lady of Atlas in Algeria died by assassination at the hands of terrorists - FR. CHRISTIAN de Cherge, BR. Luc Dochier, FR. CRRISTOPRE Lebreton, BR. MICREL Fleury, FR. BRUNO Lemarchand, FR. CELESTIN Ringeard, BR. PAUL Favre-Miville. Icon of Sancta Maria Memory of 7 Monks of Atlas by Sr. Peter, Holy Cross Abbey, Whitland

Seven candles denote the seven monks who died. At Profession they placed their 'vows' on the altar. We have not been asked to shed our blood- they did so. "SANCTA MARIAMATER DEI".- how often did the monks pray, "Holy Mary, Mother of God" - pray for us now and at the hour of our death". Our Lady's outer garment is painted brown, which denotes the earth - everyday ordinary things. Within it is yellow (as in the halo) since "she is all glorious within". Three, stars, - On her head and shoulders denote that she was a virgin before, during and after the birth of her Child. Her inner vestment is red, denoting royalty, power and humanity which she gives to her Son, so His cloak is red. His inner vestment is white & yellow denoting holiness and divinity. On his right shoulder band the sun is depicted, not with the rays shining down to the world, but back to the one who made it, acknowledging the true light of the world. In His right hand He holds the closed scroll reminding us that the whole mystery is not yet revealed. His right hand points towards Mary. It is a "blessing hand"-blessing will come through the three fingers extended to remind us of the Trinity.
1996 Sancta Maria Abbey, Nunraw, Scotland, EH41 4LW
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