Saturday 13 June 2009.
 The Northern East Catholic History Society Summer Excursion The Guest House was full of weekend residents. Charles guided the History Group through to the historic Chapel. His talk of the Painted Ceiling which is full of Heraldry of the Holy Roman Empire and Animals and Flowers, I took the photos of everyone looking to the ceiling heights. What I love the better are the Liturgical Symbols. Once, during Adoration of the Blessed
 Sacrament, I looked up to the painting and for the first time I discerned the Pelican feeding its chicks in one panel, and on the next panel the figure of the Gazelle, the beautiful Scriptural expression of swift and leaping in spirit, Both symbols are replete with reflection in this little Oratory. From that signature key the panoply of Heraldry of States of Europe seems make the Communion of the Saints present.
I promised to forward photos in Attachments by email, or in a Blog. Since it was the Eve of Corpus Christi some walked, others b y the coach, through the drive. And Dom Raymond celebrated the Mass i n the more spacious Abbey Church.
From: Grace of History Group. Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 2:44 PM

Dear Father Donald  Many thanks for your email. The photos you have so kindly sent are great souvenirs of a fascinating building and a wonderful community. To hear Corpus Christ Vigil Mass in such a setting was a  rare privilege. I also enjoyed the Nunraw blog and will show that and the photos to Fran  k, my husband, who enjoyed Nunraw as much as I did. With a ll best wishes to you and to all at Nunraw God bless you and all your work |