The Founders Equipollent Canonization Cistercian Founders Day This morning we celebrated the Mass of the Founders: Robert, Alberic and Stephen. What does 'Founder' mean?
When we dip into the Saints and the Hagiographies we come across this funny word, ‘Equipollent Canonization’. It is a very simple translation, ‘equivalent canonisation’.
Saint Robert was the kind of popular, head hunted personality for communities, and with his Vita (Life) guaranteed his soon canonisation.
Alberic and Stephen, the equivalent canonised Saints, are the ones who did ground work of the Cistercian Order. Robert had thirteen months as Abbot in Citeaux. Alberic was Abbot for 10 years and set firm base, Stephen Harding succeeded the next 20 years, and their lives had more or less had declined away before the surge of St. Bernard and his followers. The only sense of it all is really the movement of the Holy Spirit. + + +
We are mindful of new FOUNDERS today, the building of the new community in It is the first Foundation of Citeaux Abbey since the 15th century. It is the same Holy Spirit who leads us all in the offering of the Eucharistic celebration this morning. |
An outline of the history and the processes of beatification and canonization.
Published by the Incorporated Catholic Truth Society,
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From: William
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 6:44:24 PM
Subject: Striking words
Let us put ourselves in the hands of the Lord of Life.