Showing posts with label Night Office Saints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Night Office Saints. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 November 2015

SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO If a tiny spark of God’s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out.

Feast: November 4
SECOND READING  iBreviary    

From a sermon given during the last synod he attended, by Saint Charles, bishop
(Acta Ecclesiae Mediolanensis 1599, 1177-1178)

Practice what you preach

I admit that we are all weak, but if we want help, the Lord God has given us the means to find it easily. One priest may wish to lead a good, holy life, as he knows he should. He may wish to be chaste and to reflect heavenly virtues in the way he lives. Yet he does not resolve to use suitable means, such as penance, prayer, the avoidance of evil discussions and harmful and dangerous friendships. Another priest complains that as soon as he comes into church to pray the office or to celebrate Mass, a thousand thoughts fill his mind and distract him from God. But what was he doing in the sacristy before he came out for the office or for Mass? How did he prepare? What means did he use to collect his thoughts and to remain recollected?

Would you like me to teach you how to grow from virtue to virtue and how, if you are already recollected at prayer, you can be even more attentive next time, and so give God more pleasing worship? Listen, and I will tell you. If a tiny spark of God’s love already burns within you, do not expose it to the wind, for it may get blown out. Keep the stove tightly shut so that it will not lose its heat and grow cold. In other words, avoid distractions as well as you can. Stay quiet with God. Do not spend your time in useless chatter.

If teaching and preaching is your job, then study diligently and apply yourself to whatever is necessary for doing the job well. Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head.

Are you in charge of a parish? If so, do not neglect the parish of your own soul, do not give yourself to others so completely that you have nothing left for yourself. You have to be mindful of your people without becoming forgetful of yourself.

My brothers, you must realize that for us churchmen nothing is more necessary than meditation. We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: I will pray, and then I will understand. When you administer the sacraments, meditate on what you are doing. When you celebrate Mass, reflect on the sacrifice you are offering. When you pray the office, think about the words you are saying and the Lord to whom you are speaking. When you take care of your people, meditate on how the Lord’s blood that has washed them clean so that all that you do becomes a work of love.

This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work: in meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in other men.

1 Timothy 6:11; 4:11, 12, 6

Seek after integrity and holiness, faith and love, patience and gentleness.
 These are the things you must command and teach;
be an example to all who believe.

If you give them this advice,
you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus.
 These are the things you must command and teach;
be an example to all who believe.


Let us pray.

keep in your people the spirit
which filled Charles Borromeo.
Let your Church be continually renewed
and show the image of Christ to the world
by being conformed to his likeness,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Provided Courtesy of: 
Eternal Word Television Network
Among the great reformers of the troubled sixteenth century was Charles Borromeo, who, with St. Francis of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, and others, led the movement to combat the inroads of the Protestant Reformation. His father, Count Gilbert Borromeo, was a man of piety and ability, and his mother was a member of the famous Medici family of Milan, sister of Angelo de Medici, later to become Pope Pius IV. The second of two sons in a family of six children, Charles was born in the castle of Arona on Lake Maggiore, on October 2, 1538. He was so devout that at the age of twelve he received the tonsure. At this time his paternal uncle, Julius Caesar Borromeo, turned over to him the income from a rich Benedictine abbey, one of the ancient perquisites of this noble family. In spite of his youth, Charles had a sense of responsibility, and he made plain to his father that all revenues from the abbey beyond what was required to prepare him for a career in the Church belonged to the poor and could not be applied to secular use. To take such a scrupulous stand in a period of corruption and decadence was unusual, and most significant as an indication of Charles' integrity of character.

The young man attended the University of Pavia, where he applied himself to the study of civil and canon law. Due to a slight impediment of speech, he was regarded as slow; yet his thoroughness and industry more than compensated for the handicap, and his strict behaviour made him a model for his fellow students, who, in this era of the Renaissance, were for the most part pleasure-loving and dissipated. Charles now accepted a sufficient income from the abbey to meet the expenses of the kind of household a young nobleman was expected to maintain. By the time he took his doctor's degree at twenty-two his parents were dead and his elder brother, Frederick, was head of the family. Charles had no sooner returned home than the news came that his uncle, Cardinal Angelo de Medici, had been elected Pope Pius IV. A few months later the new Pope sent for his nephew to come to Rome, and within a very short time Charles was the recipient of such a wealth of honors, offices, and powers that he became a leading figure at the papal court. He was appointed cardinal-deacon and administrator of the see of Milan, although he was not to take up his work there for many years; he was named legate of Bologna, Romagna, and the March of Ancona; protector of Portugal, the Low Countries, and the Catholic cantons of Switzerland; supervisor of the Franciscan and Carmelite Orders, and of the Knights of Malta, and administrator of the papal states. The Pope's confidence in him was not misplaced, for Charles displayed great energy, ability, and diplomacy in fulfilling these various duties. Methodical and diligent, he learned how to despatch business affairs with speed and efficiency.
Pope Francis at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
Yet in spite of his heavy tasks, Charles found time for recreation in music and physical exercise. He had the many-sidedness which we associate with men of the Renaissance, and was deeply interested in the advancement of learning. He set up at the Vatican a literary academy of clergy and laymen, and some of the studies and talks growing out of it were published as <Noctes Vaticanae>, to which Charles himself was a contributor. It was the custom for one in his position to live in magnificent state, but splendid trappings meant nothing to him. He remained modest and humble in spirit, and wholly aloof from the worldly temptations of Rome.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Saint Therese of the Child of Jesus 'Sent like Lambs'

Thursday 0f the Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Night Office: from Ida Gorres.

Introduction to Mass
St Therese of the Child Jesus (1 October 2015) – Fr Hugh

Our Lord has told us that unless we become like little children we will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Childlike not childish.  St Therese exemplified this.

One of the characteristics of a child is a sense of wonder.

At Confirmation the prayer over the candidates asks that they may receive the Spirit of Wonder and Awe at God’s presence.  This is one of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Wonder and Awe at God’s Presence (also called Fear of the Lord.).


Poem from St. Therese
Would you charm the Lamb of God?
In the path that He hath trod
Tread to-day with willing feet!
Leaving all things here below,
Seek alone His will to know;
Do His will surpassing sweet!

 cf. Lk. 10:3 'out like lambs'

A Reading about St. Teresa of Lisieux, from a Book by Ida Gorres*

IN Teresa herself, during every hour of her life, the sustaining foundation of the Church was made manifest. The details of this fabric were too small individually to be singled out by the eye; but together they formed the ground out of which everything else grew.

Teresa thought and talked like a nun of her period. She had amazingly little understanding of "the world", of the natural, ordinary life outside the convent walls. But she lived the sanctity and transparency of ordinary human life. Her essential experiences of God, her conclusions from them, were not founded upon or inspired by the special insights of the mystics, nor upon the tradition of the Carmelite Order. They derived from the homely traditions of a good family, from the simple everyday, catechism-nourished devotion of father and mother. Thus she became–like Francis de Sales, her great spiritual ancestor–a teacher of that lay spirituality which is so much discussed nowadays; just as, conversely, all monastic piety has always been nourished by the primordial example of marital and parental love. Only God knows the number of souls who share in the honour and the reward of this one saint. In her glorification there is revealed, as through a rent in the curtain, both as consolation and promise, and comprehensible to the earthly heart, a gleam of that which awaits the lowliest in our Father's House.

St. Pius X is said to have prophetically called Teresa, whose full rise to fame he did not live to witness, the greatest saint of the century. May we be permitted to understand him in that way. He, the saintly Pope who restored to the ordinary Christian the forgotten heritage which for centuries had been the privilege only of the clergy or of the most devout–free access to the Eucharist; he who again recognized that the participation of the laity was the lifeblood of the liturgy and thus broke down the artificial dividing wall between clergy and people~ act of enormous significance may well have understood that this little Carmelite stands for innumerable souls, for the legions of those to whom she revealed it for the first time. Therefore she stands precisely on the crossroads between the "old" and the "new" piety. She is a remarkable example of the invincible powers of renewal in the Mystical Body of Christ, of the activity of the Holy Spirit, whose creative power is ever at work. And she is all that precisely because she lived so apart from and so innocent of all the discussions and disputes over reform and rebirth.

It is a, source of deepest...happiness to see in the Church this process of self-purification for once not manifesting itself in the form of protest against abuses, or conflict and strife with the world, but welling up from the clear spring of a child's soul.

In Teresa there gathered and became purified the deep, intimate essential unchanging elements of the Faith and of Love. As the perfected butterfly, breaks out of the chrysalis, so she emerges transformed from the shrivelling shell of her period and appears before us as the pure embodiment of Christian reality.
To be sure, she represents also a perfection of the period's religious ideal; but in fulfilling the law of her own being, she overcomes it. She who knew only obedience, only listening, unquestionably accepted the highly questionable elements in her contemporaries' piety. But the pruning purity of her touch melted away all the old slag. What she grasped and what she embodied is one again the beginning, the core, the original meaning. We see in her girlish face the hidden face of the Church, the Face of the Hidden Church, which in the chaos of time flowers, eternally young and beautiful, to greet the re­turning Lord.

* The Hidden Face, New York 1969, 412-414.
From Magnificat com
Sent Like Lambs
O my Jesus! I love you! I love the Church, my Mother!
I recall that "the smallest act of PURE LOVE is of more value to her than all other works together" (Saint John of the Cross). But is PURE LOVE in my heart? Are my measure­less desires only but a dream, a folly? Ah if this be so, Jesus, then enlighten me, for you know I am seeking only the truth. If my desires are rash, then make them disappear, for these desires are the greatest martyrdom to me. However, I feel, 0 Jesus, that after having aspired to the most lofty heights of Love, if one day I am not to attain them, I feel that I shall have tasted more sweetness in my martyrdom and my folly than I shall taste in the bosom of the joy of the Fatherland, unless you take away the memory of these earthly hopes through a miracle. Allow me, then, during my exile, the delights of love. Allow me to taste the sweet bitterness of my martyrdom.

Jesus, 0 Jesus, if the desire of loving you is so delightful, what will it be to possess and enjoy this Love?

How can a soul as imperfect as mine aspire to the possession of the plenitude of Love? 0 Jesus, my first and only Friend, you whom I love UNIQUELY, explain this mystery to me! Why do you not reserve these great aspirations for great souls, for the eagles that soar in the heights?

I look upon myself as a weak little bird, with only a light down as covering. I am not an eagle, but I have only an eagle's EYES AND HEART. In spite of my extreme littleness I still dare to gaze upon the divine Sun, the Sun of Love, and my heart feels within it all the aspi­rations of an eagle.

SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX Saint Therese of Lisieux (+ 1897) was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1997.
Prayer for the Evening

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Dom Donald's Blog: Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1873-1897), Carm...

 Wednesday of the Twenty-sixth week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1873-1897), Carmelite, Doctor of the Church


Wednesday, 01 October 2014

Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1873-1897), Carmelite, Doctor of the Church     
Poem « Jesus, my beloved, remember ! » ; v. 1, 6-8 
"The Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head"

Remember the Father's glory, 
Remember the divine splendor 
You left in exiling yourself on earth 
To redeem all the poor sinners. 
O Jesus! Humbling yourself to the Virgin Mary, 
You veiled your infinite greatness and glory. 
Ah! Your mother's breast 
Was your second heaven, 

Remember that on other shores 
The golden stars and silver moon 
On which I gaze in the cloudless sky 
Delighted and charmed your Infant eyes. 
With your little hand that caressed Mary 
You upheld the world and gave it life, 
And you thought of me, 
Jesus, my little King, 

Remember that you worked in solitude 
With your divine hands. 
To live forgotten was your sweetest task. 
You rejected human learning. 
O You who with just one word could charm the world, 
You took delight in hiding your profound wisdom. 
You seemed unlearned, 
O All-powerful Lord! 

Remember that you wandered as a Stranger on earth. 
You, the Eternal Word, 
You had nothing, no, not even a stone, 
Not a shelter, like the birds of heaven. 
O Jesus! come within me, come rest your Head, 
Come, my soul is truly ready to receive you. 
My Beloved Savior, 
Rest in my heart. 
It is Yours. 
Saint Therese of Lisieux
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
        Thérèse Martin was born at Alençon, France on 2 January 1873. Two days later, she was baptized Marie Frances Thérèse at Notre Dame Church. Her parents were Louis Martin and Zélie Guérin. After the death of her mother on 28 August 1877, Thérèse and her family moved to Lisieux.

        Towards the end of 1879, she went to confession for the first time. On the Feast of Pentecost 1883, she received the singular grace of being healed from a serious illness through the intercession of Our Lady of Victories. Taught by the Benedictine Nuns of Lisieux and after an intense immediate preparation culminating in a vivid experience of intimate union with Christ, she received First Holy Communion on 8 May 1884. Some weeks later, on 14 June of the same year, she received the Sacrament of Confirmation, fully aware of accepting the gift of the Holy Spirit as a personal participation in the grace of Pentecost.
        She wished to embrace the contemplative life, as her sisters Pauline and Marie had done in the Carmel of Lisieux, but was prevented from doing so by her young age. On a visit to Italy, after having visited the House of Loreto and the holy places of the Eternal City, during an audience granted by Pope Leo XIII to the pilgrims from Lisieux on 20 November 1887, she asked the Holy Father with childlike audacity to be able to enter the Carmel at the age of fifteen.
        On 9 April 1888 she entered the Carmel of Lisieux. She received the habit on 10 January of the following year, and made her religious profession on 8 September 1890 on the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
        In Carmel she embraced the way of perfection outlined by the Foundress, Saint Teresa of Jesus, fulfilling with genuine fervour and fidelity the various community responsibilities entrusted to her. Her faith was tested by the sickness of her beloved father, Louis Martin, who died on 29 July 1894. Thérèse nevertheless grew in sanctity, enlightened by the Word of God and inspired by the Gospel to place love at the centre of everything. In her autobiographical manuscripts she left us not only her recollections of childhood and adolescence but also a portrait of her soul, the description of her most intimate experiences. She discovered the little way of spiritual childhood and taught it to the novices entrusted to her care. She considered it a special gift to receive the charge of accompanying two "missionary brothers" with prayer and sacrifice. Seized by the love of Christ, her only Spouse, she penetrated ever more deeply into the mystery of the Church and became increasingly aware of her apostolic and missionary vocation to draw everyone in her path.
        On 9 June 1895, on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, she offered herself as a sacrificial victim to the merciful Love of God. At this time, she wrote her first autobiographical manuscript, which she presented to Mother Agnes for her birthday on 21 January 1896.
        Several months later, on 3 April, in the night between Holy Thursday and Good Friday, she suffered a haemoptysis, the first sign of the illness which would lead to her death; she welcomed this event as a mysterious visitation of the Divine Spouse. From this point forward, she entered a trial of faith which would last until her death; she gives overwhelming testimony to this in her writings. In September, she completed Manuscript B; this text gives striking evidence of the spiritual maturity which she had attained, particularly the discovery of her vocation in the heart of the Church.
        While her health declined and the time of trial continued, she began work in the month of June on Manuscript C, dedicated to Mother Marie de Gonzague. New graces led her to higher perfection and she discovered fresh insights for the diffusion of her message in the Church, for the benefit of souls who would follow her way. She was transferred to the infirmary on 8 July. Her sisters and other religious women collected her sayings. Meanwhile her sufferings and trials intensified. She accepted them with patience up to the moment of her death in the afternoon of 30 September 1897. "I am not dying, I am entering life", she wrote to her missionary spiritual brother, Father M. Bellier. Her final words, "My God..., I love you!", seal a life which was extinguished on earth at the age of twenty-four; thus began, as was her desire, a new phase of apostolic presence on behalf of souls in the Communion of Saints, in order to shower a rain of roses upon the world.
        She was canonized by Pope Pius XI on 17 May 1925. The same Pope proclaimed her Universal Patron of the Missions, alongside Saint Francis Xavier, on 14 December 1927.
        Her teaching and example of holiness has been received with great enthusiasm by all sectors of the faithful during this century, as well as by people outside the Catholic Church and outside Christianity.
        On the occasion of the centenary of her death, many Episcopal Conferences have asked the Pope to declare her a Doctor of the Church, in view of the soundness of her spiritual wisdom inspired by the Gospel, the originality of her theological intuitions filled with sublime teaching, and the universal acceptance of her spiritual message, which has been welcomed throughout the world and spread by the translation of her works into over fifty languages.
        Mindful of these requests, His Holiness Pope John Paul II asked the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which has competence in this area, in consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with regard to her exalted teaching, to study the suitability of proclaiming her a Doctor of the Church.
        On 24 August, at the close of the Eucharistic Celebration at the Twelfth World Youth Day in Paris, in the presence of hundreds of bishops and before an immense crowd of young people from the whole world, Pope John Paul II announced his intention to proclaim Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face a Doctor of the Universal Church on World Mission Sunday, 19 October 1997.

- Copyright © Libreria Editrice Vaticana
   Dom Donald's Blog: Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (1873-1897), Carm...: Santa_Teresa_di_Gesu_Bambino-di_Lisieux-BA Wednesday, 01 October 2014 Wednesday of the Twenty-sixth week in Ordinary Time Saint ...

Monday 31 August 2015

St. Aidan - September Month of Our Lady of Sorrows - Catholic Culture: Liturgical Year Weekly Digest

 September Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows
Michelangelo's Pietà (Stanislav Traykov) 
   31st August - 

St Aidan
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Monk of Iona, first bishop and abbot of Lindisfarne. Born in Ireland, St Aidan came to England in the 7th century when King Oswald was living in exile with the monks at Iona during the Mercian invasion. The King became Christian and when he regained his throne he gave Aidan the island of Lindisfarne, close to the royal palace of Bamburgh.
Aidan converted many people. He founded churches and monasteries, liberated Anglo Saxon slaves and educated them. Aidan had a reputation for living very modestly. After Oswald died Aidan supported King Oswin and the two became good friends. One day Oswin gave him a fine horse but he gave it away to a poor man almost immediately. During Lent he went on retreat to the Inner Farne Island. In 651, he saw Bamburgh being burnt by Fenda, another militant King of Mercia. He prayed successfully for the wind to change, but died later that year.
The Vikings sacked Lindisfarne in 793 and St Aidan was forgotten for a while, but in the 10th century the monks of Glastonbury obtained his supposed relics and his cult was revived.
Bede praised him for his eloquence, his prayerfulness, peaceful nature, humility and care of the sick and poor.
   Donald\Pictures\September 2015 Our Lady of Sorrows   

Subject: Catholic Culture: Liturgical Year Weekly Digest

Overview for August 31, 2015 to September 10, 2015

Ordinary Time


Aug. 27

Aug. 30Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
And he called the people to him again, and said to them, "Hear me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him." ...
Aug. 31Monday of the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time
According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of
St. Raymund Nonnatus who devoted his life to the ransoming of Christians held prisoner by the Mohammedans. He was one ...

St. Aidan of Lindisfarne - Nunraw Abbey Memorial


Sep. 1Tuesday of the Twenty Second Week of Ordinary Time Time
God's great work is the creation and redemption of the world wrought through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The one essential work in which we are all callled to participate is God's transforming love. According ...
Sep. 2Wednesday of the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary
According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of St. Stephen of Hungary. His feast in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite is celebrated on August 16. Historically ...
Sep. 3Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, pope and doctor
St. Gregory, senator and prefect of Rome, then in succession monk, cardinal and pope, governed the Church from 590 to 604. England owes her conversion to him. At a period when the invasion of the barbarians created a new ...
Sep. 4Friday of the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time
Saint Rosalia, born in 1130 at Palermo in Sicily, was the daughter of a noble family descended from Charlemagne. While still very young she despised worldly vanities. When her remarkable beauty caused her to be sought in ...
Sep. 5Saturday of the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Today the Missionaries of Charity and their friends will be celebrating the feast day of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. September 5th is the anniversary of her death, and at present is acknowledged as her feast day. St. ...
Sep. 6Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech; and they besought him to lay his hand upon him. And taking him aside from the multitude privately, he put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and ...
Sep. 7Monday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary Time; Labor Day
According to tradition today is the feast of St. Regina (Reine) who after undergoing many cruel torments, was beheaded for the faith at Aliza, formerly a large town called Alexia, famous for the siege which Caesar laid to it, ...
Sep. 8Feast of the Nativity of Mary
Mary was born to be the mother of the Savior of the world, the spiritual mother of all men, and the holiest of God's creatures. Because of her Son's infinite merits, she was conceived and born immaculate and full of grace. ...
Sep. 9Memorial of St. Peter Claver, priest
Peter Claver was born of a distinguished family in Catalonia, Spain. He became a Jesuit in 1604, and left for Colombia in 1610, dedicating himself to the service of black slaves. For thirty-three years he ministered to slaves, ...
Sep. 10Thursday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary Time
St. Nicholas of Tolentino, a native of Sant' Angelo, in the diocese of Fermo, was born about the year 1245. As a young man, but already endowed with a canon's stall, he was one day greatly affected by a sermon preached by a ...