Showing posts with label YOU AND I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOU AND I. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Do you give joy to everyone you approach as the angel Gabriel did?

-COMMENT: 'YOU AND i'  book found.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Robert --------
To: Donald ------
Sent: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 9:47
Subject: he and i

Dear Father Donald,
I have managed to obtain a copy of the above book and i look with excitement to read it,i read the extract from your blog this morning how wonderful is our dear lord so gentle and kind to his children,i hope you and all the brothers are well.
God Bless 

Gabriel and Gabrielle
In the “YOU AND i” book, this morning, the page opened at the words of Gabrielle Bossis about her patron saint, Archangel Gabriel. “Do you give joy to everyone you approach as the angel Gabriel did?
In tune with her happy constitution, she links JOY with Gabriel and Gabrielle.
She had been at her Holy Hour – seems the best time leading to’ hearing’ the Lord
Yesterday we received anonymously from the door a bouquet of a select by Interflora. And it is placed at the ‘golden’ Tabernacle.


March 24 - Holy hour. The angel Gabriel's feastday.
"Do you remember this prayer, 'Pray for me so that, like You, ‘I may serve God on earth'?

Is that the way you feet too? Take a good look within yourselfDo you give joy to everyone you approach as the angel Gabriel did? He consoled Daniel, the three children in the fiery furnace, and Zacharias. He filled the heart of the Virgin with divine happiness when he announced the coming of the Saviour.
Have you offered material or moral help to others?
Do you weigh the word you should speak and the one you should withhold? Are you quick to do a favour? Are you full of loving enthusiasm for the glory of God? Do you keep yourself constantly before His face? Singing in your mind, 'Holy, holy, holy'? Ask the Archangel to teach you to sing, to serve, to scatter joy the joy that is God-Power. But ask oftenWhat keeps you from persisting if you believe? He is like a father. Be thankfulIsn't to believe the greatest happiness of all?
Oh, My little children, what a grace faith isCould you ever compare yourselves with those who have lost it? You who are richgive to the poor. Give them all your power to pray and to love; and your longing to love more.
'How can one love more?' you asked the missionaryAnd he replied, 'By living only to please God: Mirror this often within your heartDo live to please God or to please myself? All the distance between heaven
and earth is there, all the distance between Allness and nothingness.”

+ + +
March 28 - After Communion.

"When He shall come to judge the living and the dead ... That will be the day of the great judgment. But now is the time of great mercy, and I come to love. Above all, live this present moment:' (My mind was going back to the past or on into the future).

March 30 - In my bedroom.

"My child, ponder more often on the value of the present moment, the danger of going back over the past and the uselessness of gazing into the future. Just live the little moment that you hold in your hands. Simply and lovingly.”

March 30 - Holy hour.

"Take note of your thoughts. Don't you see that they occupy the greatest part of your existence. They belong to an interior realm that you must learn to rule since from them comes what is worthy and unworthy in your days. Keep them constantly in the climate of God, of His glory, His will, His mercy and all the qualities that make Him what He is. Live with these qualities and you will get to know Him better and attach less importance to yourself. You remember ... 'When shall I be perfectly one with You, Lord, and so lost in You that I shall no longer be aware of myself?' It is with thoughts of our oneness that you will discover your duty to give happiness to those I have placed around you. Don't believe in chance, but learn to see the hand of your Father, your Friend – the One who never leaves you – in everything that happens.
. . .

Saturday 12 May 2012

St. Teresa 6000 souls by prayer

And He made me remember that He had granted six thousand conversions for one of St. Teresa of Avila's prayers.”
An excerpt from “He and I” gives a taste of style of Gabrielle Bossis.
William expresses very appreciatively the simplicity and intimate dialogue with the Lord.
Apart from the scholars the verdicts on exact decision on ‘revelation’, Gabrielle's words are utterly entrancing in the presence of 'Him'.
The exchanges of the First-Person, Secdond-Person and Third-Persons are illumination, as in the St. Teresea reminder..

----- Forwarded Message -----
 William Wardle
 Donald Nunraw  
 Saturday, 12 May 2012, 19:07
 Re: Gabrielle Bossis "He and I"
Dear Father Donald,

Gabrielle Bossis' journal of the words spoken to her by the "Inner Voice" of Christ are extraordinarily affective.

I think it is the intimacy of her conversations with the Lord that instantly drew me into the sanctuary of presence:
'What have I done to deserve the kindness of My God?' one will ask. And [the Lord] shall reply, 'You loved Him with all your strivings and you let Him love you'"

I wonder: I have read a number of commentaries on the Lord's Prayer, especially with regard to the meaning of the petition, "Give us this day our daily bread": I wonder if the hidden meaning is a prayer for heavenly love: "Give us this day the love we need", from which would follow, 'forgive us our lack of love, as we forgive those who turn away their hearts from us."
               [Edit: a friend hoping repair and restore statue of Terese  of Lisieux.]
To restore antique statue
of Little Flower

The desperately sad face of the old 13" statue of the Little Flower shows an intense appeal for heavenly love to be poured out upon mankind. It is a haunting image.

Thank you for many quiet moments of reflection.

With my love in Our Lord,

by Gabrielle  Bossis
March 15 – 1948
 Coming back from Mass I was thinking of sinners. It was cold and I was walking barefoot.
"Perhaps, Lord, You will give me two for my two feet?" "Two what? Two thousand?"
And He made me remember that He had granted six thousand conversions for one of St. Teresa of Avila's prayers.

March 17 - "I am thirsty. I have only what one gives Me. I take nothing."
March 18 - On the street in the morning among the laborers going to work, I said, "I too am going to my day's work living for You."
"Do you realize how many sinners you can save in a single day? Think of My dazzling power, riches and generosity. Who could hinder Me from giving you souls if I wish to do so?
For the earth, My justice is shackled by My mercy, moved to pity by the prayers of those I love. So count more on My generosity both for you and for all those you commit to Me. Dare to hope more than you have ever hoped before, as you come to believe in the divine open handedness. We aren't on the same plane: then expect the extraordinary. You have already experienced it. It will strengthen your faith and hope in a way that you don't suspect. For it is I Myself who come and can I come other than as God?

My love is the source of everything. Did you think it was My pity? My pity, yes, but moved by this love of Mine that is greater than all other loves. I can only teach you about it little by little, because you are so fragile. For you would faint like the beloved in the Song of Solomon, if more vehement words from My heart fell upon your ear, and if, as in beautiful books, I add­ed pictures. You're thinking, 'He's talking to me again about Love: And I'm thinking, 'When can I begin to talk to her about it?' ( ••• )