Many thanks.
Looking to your possible Sacred Heart Solemnity,
before flight to home Mission.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jo Mc...Sent: Sunday, 2 June 2013.
Subject: Corpus Christi
Dear all,
Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!
It is great to know that you will soon be on your way. I leave for the airport at 3.30 am on Tues. and will arrive in Dublin at 4.35pm ( 3 hours stop over in Paris).
The Lord gave me two feasts of Corpus Christi!
On Thursday,
I participated in a Solemn High Mass at the Holy Sepulchre followed by a very impressive Procession with the Blessed Sacrament. The rest of the Churches celebrate it today.
This afternoon, Emmanuella, my guardian angel, and I will go to the OFM Church ad COENACULUM for a special Mass at 3.30pm.
This will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
The Chapel of St. Francis Ad Coenaculum 
until 7pm to allow people to make the Holy Hour requested by Pope Francis.
The blessings continue and blessings received are blessings shared. Thanks be to God.
Three very kind people have shared their photos with me because they knew that I had no camera, so I now have an abundance! I can just here you saying, "Is she sleeping again or is she trying to be recollected as they prepare for Mass (in Pilgerhouse, Galilee )?
Love to all,
Jo. fmm
ps Please let me know if the photos come through.
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